Chapter 17

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~Ross' POV~

Today we head home for this tour. It's been amazing but I really happy to be going home for some relaxation time. The band has a break before we tour on and off for about 5 months. We go to South America and then Japan, Australia, and New Zealand. Riley has also been stressed since tour began, being pregnant and taking care of 2 kids. I know if her mom was still here, she would help with the kids. I really want to hire someone to travel with us and take care of our kids. But when singers start a family, most of them stop performing and stay home to take care of their growing family. In our case, R5 is just getting big so we can't stop now. During our month break, we are going to begin to write again to maybe put out an album in the coming future.

We are currently at the airport, getting ready to get on our plane to fly home. Recently, Hollywood Records bought a plane for their celebs to travel around in. We get it for this tour since we have a ton of stuff that needs to come with us. It also makes it easier to get through a plane ride and an airport without any fan interaction. We love our fans, don't get me wrong, but sometimes we are too tired to take pictures and sign stuff. And I defiantly don't need the screaming and running when I have 2 kids. I carried Leah while Riley held onto Lainies' hand.

"Daddy, when are we going to be home?" Lainie asked me.

"Soon. We are going to get onto a plane and then you can sleep. And when you wake up, we will be almost home." I explained to my child.

"Ok daddy."

Getting on the airplane was a breeze and as soon as we took off, I was out. I had my beats on and couldn't hear a thing. I did make sure that Lainie and Leah got comfortable with everything before I went to sleep. I'm not that mean. I felt Riley come sit by me when we took off and she fell asleep on my lap. Mid flight I really had to pee but I didn't want to wake my beautiful wife so I held it until she woke. I'm nice like that.


Getting off the plane took awhile because we had to unload everything and make sure it got back to HR. Then we finally got to go home. Lainie and Leah slept the whole flight so they were wide awake and full of energy when we got home.

"Ross, can you please watch the girls while I take a nap? I'll get up in a few hours and make dinner but right now I need to sleep. My back is killing me." Riley said to me as she was at the base of the stairs.

"Yes baby, do you need anything?" I asked.

"No, just sleep."

"Ok baby. I love you. And don't worry about dinner. I'll cook tonight." I said with a smile as I walked to her.

"Haha. You're so funny. You should be a comedian instead of a singer." she giggled.

"Can I have a kiss?" I asked, pushing my lips onto hers.

"Thanks baby, I love you." she said before disappearing up the stairs.

I turned on the tv for the girls while they played and got on my laptop to do some stuff and check my emails. After some time playing on my dying laptop, I went into the kitchen and went through the mail that we had received while we were away. One of the neighbor girls was getting it for us and putting on our kitchen counter. I found my script, some bills, and some other stuff. We also had some packages that companies send us to shoutout on Instagram and Twitter. I waited until Riley got up to open those. I really wanted to make dinner for Riley so it's one less thing that she has to worry about. But, we had nothing that I knew how to make. It was all stuff that had multiple processes and it sounded difficult. I was probably going to ruin something if I made it. So I decided to leave the cooking up to Riley.

"Daddy, play with us." Lainie yelled to me from the other room.

"Ok but we have to be very quiet because mommy is sleeping and we don't want to wake her up." I explained to my young daughters.

I played barbies with my daughters for what seemed like days until Riley woke up.

"Hey baby, do you feel better?" I asked, getting up and kissing her.

"Ya. Thanks. It looks like you got stuck playing barbies." she giggled while walking into the kitchen.

"Ya. I got to be the man Barbie." I laughed in response.

"I thought about making dinner but it looked so complicated and I didn't want to ruin it and I'm sorry." I answered.

"I said that you didn't have to make dinner." Riley replied.

"I wanted to be a good husband."

"You are the best husband." she laughed.

"Not sure if I'm the best husband but I'll take the compliment." I answered. 

"Can we put the girls to bed early and having married people time?" Riley asked me as she made dinner.

"Sure. Sounds fun."

After dinner was finished, we played with our children some more before they both looked like they were about to fall asleep. I put Leah to bed and Riley took Lainie. We met in our bedroom and laid in the big bed together.

"I like this quiet." I whispered to my wife.

"Me too. It's peaceful."

"You know if you weren't pregnant right now, we would be having sex." I mentioned.

"Thought so." Riley giggled in response.

"Do you wanna watch a movie, wife?"

"Sure, husband." Riley answered while laughing.

"Why are you so giggly today?" I asked.

"I'm just happy." she said.

"Why?" I questioned.

"Today has been a good day. We got home from an amazing tour. We are dinner as a family. We played with our 2 healthy daughters. And now we are laying in our bed, in our house, pondering life. Life is pretty good."

ᕼEY ᑭEOᑭᒪE!!

ᕼᗩᑭᑭY (ᖇEᗩᒪᒪY) ᒪᗩTE 2016!!

ᕼOᑭE YOᑌ GᑌYᔕ ᕼᗩᐯE ᗩ GᖇEᗩT YEᗩᖇ!

I ᑕᗩᑎT ᗯᗩIT TO ᔕEE ᗯᕼᗩT 2016 ᕼᗩᔕ Iᑎ ᔕTOᖇE. ᗩᒪᔕO, IᐯE ᗷEEᑎ ᗷᑌᔕY ᗯITᕼ ᒪIᖴE ᔕO TᕼE ᑌᑭᗪᗩTEᔕ ᕼᗩᐯE ᗷEEᑎ ᔕᒪOᗯ ᗩᑎᗪ I ᗩᑭOᒪOGIᘔE.

ITᔕ ᗷEEᑎ ᖇEᗩᒪ ᑕOᒪᗪ ᗯᕼEᖇE I ᒪIᐯE! ᒪET ᗰE KᑎOᗯ Iᑎ TᕼE ᑕOᗰᗰEᑎTᔕ ᗯᕼᗩT TᕼE ᗯEᗩTᕼEᖇ Iᔕ ᒪIKE ᗯᕼEᖇE YOᑌ ᒪIᐯE ᖇᑎ.

ᒪOᐯE YOᑌ:)


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