Chapter 29

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I sat in my room for what felt like hours before I realized that I had nothing left to do, I was bored out of my freaking mind. My phone could only keep me entertained for so long without having anyone to truly text.

"Anne?" I called through the house, waiting a couple of seconds for the sound waves to carry on through the house. No answer.

During the time that I had nothing to do, I showered, I got ready, I made something to eat, then I had no other choice than to go and lay back in bed. Well, I did have a lot of other options, but none of them seemed nearly as appealing.

I glanced at the clock and realized that Harry's practice wasn't over for another hour, maybe I'd go for a walk to arena, catch a glimpse, maybe watch a bit and then get a ride back with him back to the house. Would that be too clingy? Oh well, I was bored.

Retrieving the nearest jacket and putting my earplugs in, I made my way out the door. I used google maps to help direct me to where I was going, it was only a ten minute walk.

I started down the narrow street, passing all of the gigantic houses kicking a rock with me, slowly guiding me down the sidewalk. I lost my rock. The soft sound of panging rang through my ears as the rock fell in between the grates, a final splash indicating that I would never see that rock again.

I looked up, the grey sky was taking over the baby blue sky, closing off the tiny amount of sun that actually came into this dungeon of the town . Even though I've been told that this is the best weather that this town has had in a long time, the sadness never subsided with the dark touch.

"Do I know you?" Called out the voice from the van that was now pulled over on the sidewalk.

"No," I shortly replied walking faster that I had before.

"Do you want to get to know me?" He asked once again, his chilling voice carrying through the tiny window.

"No," I replied faster, the sweat pooling in my hands as I walked as fast as I could down the street, the arena coming into view - it seemed ages away.

"Where are ya goin?" He asked again, his van slowly rolling beside my quick footsteps. I kept my head down, desperately hoping that he would go away, he wouldn't keep following me, and most of all, he wouldn't get out of that damned van.

"You're a complete babe you know? C'mon now, just get in!" He whined. I shook my head once more, inhaling another shaky breath concentrating on the lines that separated the sidewalks.

I turned my head, only to be faced with a smile that will forever be burnt into my brain - his toothless smile sent chills down my spine as he ran his dirty hand through the black mop of greasy hair that sat on top of his head.

"Get in the fucking car!" He screamed, startling me from my thoughts.

"Leave me alone," I said just loud enough for him to hear, I didn't trust my own voice.

"Leave a pretty thing like you alone on the streets?" He shook his head, "I don't think so."

His large body turned to the his handle of the door, the clicking ringing through my ears. I looked back and caught a glimpse of the shiny chains that dangled in the back of his van, a dog that sat in a cage, the teeth baring at me.

The door slamming tore me from my thoughts as my one instinct kicked in: run.


Every suicide that I had ever ran in volleyball paid off in that second as I sprinted down the street, looking behind me, the fat man behind me running with everything that he had. I whipped my head forward, keeping an eye on the arena parking lot that stood within a minute more of running.

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