Chapter 49

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A/N - I was kidding about the ten chapters left last time, from this part forward there are going to be about ten more chapters. Thanks for reading, you beautiful human. :)


"What the hell do you mean that this is the farthest that I can go?" I yelled looking at the doors ahead of me.

The nurse gave me a sympathetic smile.

Within minutes after Harry said that he wanted to do the surgery today, he was rushed into a room where they let him put a gown on, giving him five minutes to himself before they wheeled him away. Niall and I each held a hand as we walked down the hallway.

Then, we stood at the doors. The giant red letters that told everyone around 'Authorized Personal Only' making the feeling in the bottom of my stomach grow weaker. I turned my eyes to Harry, my vision clouding with tears.

I looked at his curls trapped within the hair net, the way his green eyes perfectly sparkled under the florescent light, the way his pink lips sat in his tiny smirk even when he didn't want them to. He lifted his IV arm and wiped the tear slowly strolling down my cheek.

His rough fingers were pressed so softly against my cheek. He snaked his hand around my cheek, pulling my face closer into him. I guided my head to his ear, softly pressing them against it.

I took a deep breath. "Harry, words can't describe how much you have changed my life. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me - I'm not saying this as some stupid cliché. I love you with everything inside of me, so much it consumes me. You saved me, I love you so much," I said, the tears freely flowing down my cheeks.

He said nothing in reply as he grabbed my head and connected our lips. The electricity shot through my veins, the fireworks erupting in my stomach. I've never had the privilege to feel the things that I felt when I was with him - when I was kissing him.

Every emotion that we had felt since we've been together was compacted into one kiss; the hate, the love, the good times, the bad, the amazing, the sad, but most of all, the incredible love that we shared. 

He slipped his tongue into my mouth - this time we weren't battling for dominance, they were dancing. Dancing for the life that we had spent together, dancing for the opportunity to be able to do this - to have met him, to have fell in love.

"I love you so fucking much Harry," I mumbled against his lips. He brought his second hand up to cup my face, connecting them rougher once again. He slowly brought them back enough to mumble against my lips. "I love you more than you will ever know Cadence."

I gave him one more quick peck and wiped my eyes. Harry turned his body over to where Niall was standing with the tears streaming down his face. "Mate, do I need to wipe the tears off of your face too?" Harry joked earning a chuckle from Niall.

"You are the best friend a guy could have ever had Harry. Thank you for everything," Niall said resting a hand on his shoulder. Harry gave him a weak smile taking his lip between his teeth trying not to let the tears spill. 

"I should be the one thanking you. Niall you've helped me in ways that no one else ever could have. I love you man," Harry said, a tear rolling down his cheek. Niall offered him a small smile. "I love you too man, I love you too."

Harry looked between the both of us. "Don't give me more time than necessary if they declare me brain dead. Just get it over with, okay? Wait for my mum to get here and then just let me go," Harry said, his words choked.

I shook my head. "Harry, please don't say that," I slowly said. Harry shook his head at me. "Baby, we need to be prepared for the worst here."

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