Flash Backs

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Thalia's POV:
As I run through the barrier I see hundreds of families roaming about the platform. Mine are on either side of me and they start signing furiously for me to be safe and have fun. Dad reminds me to make friends and watch out for older boys. Mom and I both roll our eyes at that.

I promise them that I will be safe in my slightly disjointed deaf person speech. I can talk normally but I don't have the easiest accent to understand. I sign, finger spell, and lip read so if someone can't sign I at least know what they are saying. With one last wave I pull my trunk onto the train and find an empty compartment. I watch as families outside share tearful good byes and are talking normally. I sigh sadly and watch what some people are saying. I take out my notebook and write about what I see so I will always have the memory's.

One older man is telling a young boy about my age to not prank anyone too much and to be the best Gryffindor possible. The boy has black messy hair and circular wire glasses. He is about normal sized and more stocky. When he starts running to the train I see dark hazel eyes flash in excitement.

On the other side of the platform a stern and evil looking woman is what I think is screeching at her oldest son. He has dark curly hair and when he turns I get a glimpse of grey eyes. He walks towards the train with a sophisticated and regal air until he is out of sight of his mother. He then ,like the first boy, takes off running not caring if he pushes people.

Farther to the back near the barrier is a tall lanky boy with sandy hair and three long scars across his face. He is standing next to a woman with golden hair and a man with a ratty coat and brown hair. The woman embraces her son and tells him to be safe with the coming full moons. (I guess he is a werewolf.) Then he, with his legs shaking slightly, walks to the train. His blue eyes are alight with joy, confusion, exhilaration, and I think a little fear. Poor guy! I think to myself.

Before finding another family the train starts to rumble. Every child still on the platform hurts to the train so I guess that rumble was the whistle. Not long after we start to move. I look back for my mother and wave one more time before she is disappearing from my line of sight. I was told in my letter I would have a translator who would take my notes in class and then teach me the gist of the lessons after school ended for the day but I was still nervous. My fingers immediately start twirling one of my red mid back length spiral curls. Closing my royal blue eyes along with my notebook I take deep breaths to relax.

Someone then touches my shoulder gently and I jump slightly my eyes snapping open. The sandy haired boy from earlier starts speed talking so I can't catch anything he says. 'Stop!' I sign 'I am deaf and can't hear you. Can you finger spell, speak sign language, or talk slow enough that I can read it?' He gets a look of realization on his face and slows down the speed of which his mouth was moving. "My name is Remus Lupin. I am so sorry for scaring you but I was going to ask if I could sit here?" He says at a normal speed.

"Sure." I reply and he looks a bit surprised that I can speak. "I am deaf not mute. But I didn't grow up learning English like others so my accent will be harder to understand." I explain while signing what I say. "What is your name?" He asks as he sits across from me. "My name is Thalia. Thalia Collins. It's nice to meet you Remus. While I was waiting for the train to move I was observing some families and I noticed yours. If you don't mind me asking but are you a werewolf?" I say very quietly. He turns white and nods slightly. "It's okay. You and I both have our problems. Mine is the fact that I can't hear and yours is a bit more furry. But oh well. You still seem like a nice guy to me."

He smiles at me and then point to the door where three other guys are standing. The two taller ones are the other boys I saw on the platform. Grey eyes seemed to recognize me from when we locked eyes as he turned away from his family. "What is your name?" He asks me as he sits down to my left. 'Thalia Collins.' I sign while feeling the vibrations of glasses laughing in the seat to my right. 'Oh you are deaf. That's pretty interesting. My family are all horrid so they think that if you aren't perfect by their standards you don't belong with in 10 feet of us. But don't worry. I think you are cool. But would you mind telling me why you were watching me on the platform?' He finger spells for me to read. I smile at him and nod.

'I was watching how normal people or people who can hear interact. I am forced to watch movements of a mouth or hands to comprehend what people are saying. So seeing people talking makes me feel like I am not handicapped.' I finger spell slowly for him. He nods in understanding and points at glasses. 'That's James Potter. And the boy cowering by the door is Peter Petagrew. James is cool but that Peter boy is a bit strange. Now I know I am not the best at finger spelling but I know some sign language. I can do whatever makes you more comfortable.' He spells for me while pointing to both boys.

'You can do any of the three. Remus Lupin says the words for me but has to remember to say them slow enough. You are the first to finger spell for me since I was about 7 so it is a nice change. But whatever you want to do is fine with me. But if you really want to be able to speak sign language I can teach you.' I sign for him as the other three boys watch us curiously. "But I would suggest saying your words out loud if you don't mind other people knowing our conversation." I say quietly. At least I am pretty sure it was quiet because the vibrations were more centralized. He nods and we continue our ride to Hogwarts.

We all decide that we want to be in Gryffindor and the boys ask me what life is like being deaf. I first reply quiet and James, Remus, and Sirius laugh at that. It is also decided that I will always be close enough to to be touching one of those three so I can feel any vibrations. Since each is different I will know if their emotions change. It is also decided that if we are all in the same house that I will sleep in their room because it is easier for me if someone knows what is going on.

Damaged Marauders Book 1: The Deaf MarauderWhere stories live. Discover now