Absolute Silence

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Thalia's POV:
It's been a few months after the masquerade ball and things have calmed down until nothing interesting happens. I'm currently laying at the end of my bed in the boys dorm when the hearing aids start to crackle in my ears. I pull them out at look at them. There are cracks running the length of them and wires are sticking out of one. They broke. I can't hear anything anymore. Also the new ones won't be in for another month at least.

I run to find one of the boys but they are no where to be found. Finally I run to Minnie's office and throw open the door. All four boys are in there sitting for a detention I didn't know they had. Minnie says something to me but I don't understand. I give her a quizzical look before pointing to my ears. Minnie's confused look drops into a saddened one as she realises what I'm trying to say. Sirius jumps up and starting signing to me. 'They broke.' I finally sign before holding out the hearing aids. James looks down at the desk before shaking his head. 'It's alright Thali. We will wait until the new ones come in.' Remus signs to me. 'Can I stay in here until the boys have served their detention?' I sign to Minnie. She nods a motions me to a chair by her desk.

I sit down and watch as the boys do whatever they were assigned. Remus notices that I'm a little bored so he hands me the book in his bag. I give him a soft smile before shaking my head. I pull out my drawing pad and draw everything I see in front of me. I don't add colour though. I'm not in a good enough mood to create beauty. I'm just creating feelings as the world is silent around me. Quickly a thought comes to my mind. These boys have been the light in my darkness for almost six years now. They deserve the respect in the art as they do in life. I add colours to them and with a split second of thought I create them as my angels. Each boy has silver/white wings and a slight gold tint to facial features. I'm finishing the picture when someone taps me on the shoulder. I jolt before looking up into the amazed face of Minnie. "You should feature those pieces in an art show." She mouths to me. I blush before looking down at my open journal. I give her a half shrug before standing up.

The detention is over, so I pack away my things and follow the boys out. We walk down to the great hall only to be ambushed by people. I don't understand what is happening so I shrink against Sirius. He seems to understand my message and whispers something to the other three. They push a path for us and get me through quickly. I slide into the seat next to Lily. She starts talking to me about a mile a minute and I don't have the heart to tell her I can't hear again. Remus apparently can read minds because he sits down in front of us and explains everything to her. She gives me a sad wide eyed stare. I just look down at the table. "Why did I have to go deaf?" I finally ask out loud. The first words I've spoken all day. James puts his hand on my shoulder but I shove it off. I then stand and race out of the room.

Sirius's POV:
I stand to go after her but Remus grabs my wrist. "Give her a minute. She is trying to readjust to not being able to hear herself speak or hear anything else for that matter." He reminds me. I nod before siting down. Dumbledore catches my eye and gives me a little motion. I understand it as to go up to his office after dinner is over. Right as the food disappears I head up to his office without telling the others anything. I ignore everyone and get to the eagle statue in minutes. He is somehow already in there when I open the door.

"Mr. Black what is troubling you today?" Dumbldore asks as calm as can be. "Thali's hearing aids broke leaving her deaf again and the new pair isn't supposed to come until after OWLs." I explain. "Oh my. Well it must be hard for her now that she has to go back to watching people. I'm sure she found your voice very comforting." He replies. "I never asked. I just thought that since she could finally hear every voice was nice to her." I say shocked that I never asked. "You know what you need to tell her. Now go to her." He says giving me a smile. "But sir I don't know where she is." "The astronomy tower is a wonderful place to think." He says vaguely. I race out of the room and straight up to the tower.

She is sitting on the ledge and staring out at the night sky. 'How did you know I was up here?' She signs not looking at me. I touch her leg gently. "I always know where you are. You mean too much to me." I say so she can read my lips. Her eyes brighten and she finally fully faces me. "You really think that?" She asks her voice innocent and eyes wide. "Of course I do. I love you so much." I whisper she smiles again and whispers back. "I love you too." We both lean in and I gently kiss her soft lips. "The others are worried about you." I whisper as we pull away.

"Oh yes very worried they are." A voice cackles. I whip around and am face to face with Snape. Thali jumps up and Snape pulls his wand. She then takes a step back. The back of her knees hit the barrier that separates her and a two hundred foot drop. Snape gives her a sadistic grin before pointing his wand at her. "REDUCTO!" He shouts. The light misses her but hits the barrier. Thali lets out a very high pitch scream as she falls back. I jump to grab her hand but we miss by centimetres. In the distance on the ground I see a bunch of people running towards the tower. I completely forget my wand and use my fist to bash Snape's nose into his face. I am turning back to the broken barrier when her shrill scream cuts off.

Damaged Marauders Book 1: The Deaf MarauderWhere stories live. Discover now