If you dont fall for me. I wont fall for you (Human! Karkat x Reader)

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This is a Human Karkat x reader (As said on top) . So i really hope the reader enjoys this Fanfic. :) And if its ok I am putting myself in (as your bff) if you would like you may use someone else. (Spoiler: In the middle of this story you might want to think agressively. This is going to be in parts just so you know)

You sit on your couch alone and hungry. Its time for that to change. You decide to go outside for some fresh air since you haven't been out in a while. You walk outside to such a happy day. Ok not really it was a rainy August Day. Today is actually the day your roommate made you go look for a job. You have to help pay off the rent for the apartment. You kinda don't get why you even pay the rent. Your apartment was Horrible.

The roof leaked. Your door was hard to lock, The bathroom was disgusting And your Neighbors were just like the bathroom. Really The people should be paying you to live there.

Anyways. You begin to walk around to look for some job openings. It was harder than you thought. It was like everyone had a job except you.

You have already looked all around the block so you decided to try the mall down town. Its really popular so you might have a really good chance at getting a good job.

---- time skip 2 hours-----

You finally make it to the shopping mall after a long ride on the subway. You walk in and see its very busy and crowded. Its going to be Harder to get a job now. You walk around some stores you think you'd be really good at working at. Unfortunately None of them are hiring.

You decided to go look at some you might have a chance at doing well at. Nope. None of those are hiring either. This is now getting stressful. You go to the ones where they'd be more difficult for you. And None of those are hiring either.

You have been walking for too long to you take a rest on a nearby bench. The bench was in front of a closed store. You put your head in your hands in frustration. After a little while you look up and see someone is unlocking the closed store. You see all the lights go up and the sign starts blinking.

The sign read: *Photo Shop*

You look at all the windows and just your luck you found a "Help Wanted" Sign. "Yes!" You start to dust yourself off then notice someone else walking in. He looked like he needed a job as well. You take charge and decide to walk in.

Your in. You look around and see all the fancy cameras and photos. "Can i help you?" a voice called from behind you. You jump in surprise then calm yourself down. "Oh uh Hi You startled me" You say whilst looking at the ground. "Sorry" The voice said. "So can i help you wwith anythin?" You look at the person who owned the voice. It was a man (More like man child) wearing a scarf with brown hair and a blong streek coming to the top. You look at the "Help Wanted" sign then reply "I saw your sign and i was wondering if I could possibly apply?"

The Guy in the scarf nods his head then looks at the sign. "Wwell i do havve someone else who wants this job." He said. "Oh" you say disappointed. "But i think i can fit you both in." He finished. "But first tell me about your work ethic."

You took a second to process what he said then you smile and say "Oh ha well. I work really hard and i dont need many breaks usually." The guy in the scarf nods then he replies "Wwell are you good at wworking wwith people?" You nod. "And howw about your history havve you had any prevvious jobs?" You think for a second then nod. "Oh really? Wwell can you tell me wwhere?"

You pause then you reply "Oh i worked at a bakery for five hours a day." The guy in the scarf nods impressively. "WWell I think you are vvery qualified to wwork here. i just need to knoww one more thing." He says whilst picking up a camera. You wait for him to finish what he needed from you before you got your hopes up to high. "Ok so these cameras are vvery fragile. and i really need someone wwho is steady wwith their hands. do you think you could handle it?"

If you dont fall for me. I wont fall for you (Human! Karkat x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now