Chapter 6

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Aaron wakes up in a hospital gown in the castle hospital wing. In the bed beside him is Eli. He goes to get up and his arms are restricted, by handcuffs. He looks confused and his heart rate escalates. He pulls as hard as he can and his breathing gets wheezy. He cannot stand having his hands confined, or anything confined. He yells for help.
A women with dark skin and a tight bun in her hair walks out of a room looking alarmed. She rushes over to him when she sees he's awake.
"Alyssa. You are a very lucky girl, and your friend is genuine to you", the women says.

he tugs at the cuffs and wheezes.
"Inhaler", he gasps.
She rushes across the room and grabs the inhaler for him, and runs back pushing it into his mouth, pressing down so it puffs in his mouth. He gasps for air. "Uncuff me. Now."
"I'm so sorry Alyssa. Your mother gave me orders to keep you cuffed no matter what."

Aaron wanted to die more than anything right now. He wanted to die. Dammit Elena. Eli. He looks over at her. She saved him. How? Why is She hurt.
"What's wrong with Elena?"
"Elena is developing a new power, she used on you. Her power is weak, and she is very weak. She will be for a couple of days. She wasn't strong enough to heal you completely, but she used all her energy to save you. She is very loyal to our kingdom."

"She's okay though?", he asked.

"Of course. She should wake up soon. Speaking of which. You need rest." She grabbed a needle from the side of the table and stabbed It into Aaron's arm without a warning.

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