Take a trip

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Hunter p.o.v

The broadcast went ok last week we've gotten more Dms and Comments about them since we've put them in our social lives now. Devin and I are going on our 2nd date just downtown for dinner and as she says "window shopping" but she'll actually spend money.

Blake: Ok so where are yall going so we don't go to the same restaurant

Hunter: BJ'S (Author Note, that's a restaurant where I live)

Blake: Oh yall will be downtown?

Hunter: yeah

Blake: Ok we will be up-town, see you later bro I gotta go pick her up in 3O mins

Hunter: Good luck

I got dressed in, normal jeans, a black shirt, red flannel and white vans then checked instagram followed 3 fan accounts, then posted on snapchat about going to Dinner

I think tonight is going to go well

I left the house around 6:55, I have to be across the street by 7. I breathed in deep and knocked on the door and out came a stunning looking Devin

Hunter: Beautiful just like always

Devin: Handsome just like always

We went in for a kiss and right before we actually made it there, a honk was sounded and my mom got out her car.

Christine: You two going on a date?

Hunter and Devin: Yes

Christine: have fun kids

We laughed and went in for the full kiss, I hooked my arms around her waist my arms against her bare skin.

She had on white jeans, white converse, a creme long sleeved baggy shirt that had slits up the side and her long brownish blonde hair was curled, she had barley noticeable mascara and lipstick on

I kissed her neck as we walked down her drive way

Hunter: You're beautiful

She giggled and I saw her trying to hide her blush

Hunter: You really are, thank you

Devin: why are you thanking me?

Hunter: Because I've been in need for someone like you.

I turned her around and kissed her nose and lips softly before picking her up runny twords downtown

Devin p.o.v

We sat at the booth inside of the loud busy restaurant.

I love their desert

Hunter: Have I told you, you look amazing tonight?

Devin: 5 times, did I tell you, you look handsome tonight?

Hunter: yes

He leaned in for a kiss right as the waiter came up for our orders, he gave a quick kiss and pulled back

Waiter: What kind of drink would you guys like?

Devin: can I have a Sherly timple (Author note, I don't know how to spell that drink but it's good)

Hunter: I'd like coke please.

Waiter: Do you know what you'd like to eat?

Hunter: Can I have steak?

Waiter: Sure and how about you young lady?

Devin: Pasta with butter and parmesan only? Thank you

Waiter: Sure I'll bring your drinks out as soon as possible

As soon as the waiter left Hunter attacked me with kisses.

I bit at his lip which made him pull back and smirk

Hunter: butter and parmesan only?

Devin: Yeah I only eat certain people's sauce?

Hunter: another kiss?

I leaned in and kissed his nose making him pout I attached our lips pulling back his bottom lip and letting go making a deep gasp leave his mouth I then pulled back and pulled a Hunter smirking

Waiter: Here's your drinks

She left our drinks and came back later with our food, we finished around 9 and walked around under the starry night and lighted up Downtown, we got home around 10

Hunter: Like you

Devin: Like you too

We both laughed and went in for a kiss. He pinned me by the door and kissed me with a deeper feeling, he let go catching my lips one more time before turning around leaving me stunned and happy

11:11 pm- is this the one? please be her

11:11 pm I'm hoping and and hoping for this to be the one I've been asking for.

The 11:11 wish {H R au}/not continuingWhere stories live. Discover now