The Kings Mistress

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Danica sat across from the king's adviser not bothering to listen to her words seeing as they were crazy and wrong. "Wait let me stop you there the king of Matriarch Island want's me to be his mistress", she questioned. "Yes, if you were listening you'd know this", Micah his adviser snapped. Laughing Danica replied " how the hell does a man who has never met me want me to all of a sudden become his mistress and secondly why the hell would a married man , a king for gods sake think that I would agree to such a disgusting thing". "Look I could give two shits about that I've come here to proposition you", Micah sighed. "Proposition me to sleep with a married man in the same place his wife and children lie there heads? ' you and that pig have lost your damn minds if you think I would agree to that now get the hell out of my home and never come back", Danica yelled. Shaking her head Micah began gathering the documented contract whilst sighing. Instead of leaving Micah left Danica with one last word "just think about it will you ;my card is on the table if you change your mind", shaking her head Micah walked out of the home leaving Danica with her thoughts. Micah knew the girl wouldn't agree to such a thing she had morals, but the king insisted she try. Danica Troy was a beautiful British girl with chocolate skin, short hazel hair, a thick curvy body, brown eyes ,plump lips, and a smile that would brighten an entire room. Danica thought when Rose the Duke of Newbury's daughter invited her to the kings celebration he would go for either Rose or her sister Claudia. Instead he wanted Danica the young woman who didn't even know what he looked like seeing as she left the celebration early being as she was uncomfortable around the rich white people. It may sound racist but Claudia was a bitch who would always chastise Rose for hanging with the poor. Claudia would always make racist comments towards Danica and she didn't feel comfortable being around a snobby white bitch who just wanted to hop on a married man's dick. That's why she would always turn down Rose's invitations to the parties her family hosted. Rose's mother and father weren't all to fond of her either they didn't like her because of her position and her skin complexion but they didn't say anything to her they just ignored her which she didn't mind.The next day Danica called her best friend Rose to tell her the previous days events
Danica : Rose guess what some pigheaded ass hat had the audacity to proposition me
Rose: Listening Rose sighed Danica calm down and tell me already
Danica: The King of Matriarch Islands goons shows up on my doorstep telling me that his ass of a king wants me as a mistress
Rose: He did what, rose yelled angrily
Danica: I know right like I'm some second hand whore who has no respect and morals
Rose: Danica I'll call you back later I have something to do
Danica was kind of offended her friend hung up on her but she just shrugged it off.
Three days later

Working at the coffee shop was exhausting ,but running it was even more exhausting. Dannies' Coffee was Danica's baby she started the place from the ground up. Banks wouldn't loan her money so she she worked in dead end jobs to create the place she calls her air. "Hey Danni", Christa a barista at the shop called. Turning around from her stock pile "Yea Christa". "Um some weird guys in suits are asking for you like they look like the american men in black", she joked. "Um that's weird now i'm nervous ", Danni chuckled.
Walking to the front Danni smiled at the men "can I help you gentlemen".

  "The king request your presence in the royal palace immediately" . Shaking her head Danni replied " I am not interested in anything to do with your king he can respect that or keep getting denied". Shooing the men away Danni told them they are never to come back to her place of business again. The men leave without a fight calling their king to inform him that she denied him again. Instead of giving up the king decided he liked the chase and would continue to pursue Danni.

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