Revivere: Neve

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China's POV

"So, did you track down anything aru?" I asked for the nth time, sighing.

'Yare yare, they are so noisy aru..' I thought to myself as Prussia and Spain continue to cry, worrying that something bad might had happened to the italian brothers. Though Russia seemed to enjoy watching the two but all of us here had enough of their cries.

"Just a bit more. But zis is veird.."


Both Spain and Prussia finally calm down, "What is?"

"Nein.. Probably just me but I usually don't have much trouble at zis zhing. Zhis is my fifth attempt."

"Probably because the lack of the tool aru?"

"Ja, probably."

"Then? Any clue?"

"Its in Catafalco Island."


"Oh! Is that the island aru?"

Finally arriving at the Mediterranean Sea, we located the island.

"UWAA~~ That's some weird looking island there!" Exclaimed America, "Can I have it?"


"Rets rand firsto minna-san, we need to quikry findo Italy-kun and Romano-san after ar."

"Japan aru.." We all sweatdropped at what Japan's holding. Camera and stuffs used by tourists,

"Japan.. we're not here for sight seeing.."

"I know that very wer, France-san. Come one, minna-san."


"OI GUYS. Zhere's some village hut!" Prussia says as he points towards the hut located on the island,

"Hmn~ Doesn't the place seems abandoned?" Russia says as he knocks on the door, no one answered.

"Probably they're sleeping?"

"I don't think so, Spain aru."

"Lets all go deeper, probably we could find the italian macarroni."


Seborga's POV

"Now then.. where to start." I rubbed my head in frustration. Looking at the fact that there're tons of traps, I should be careful.

Decided to start with the boss' desk, I sat on the leather armchair and started browsing the desk.


15 minutes had passed since then and I move my search from the desk, to the bookshelves.

"No, not this. dio dannato, this will take forever." Feeling fainted, I limped myself to lay on the sofa in the middle of the room.

"Eh.. EHH" One of the books that I thrown to the floor made me lose my footings and I fall to the couch with my right hand fall to something and it made a click noise.

"Umfph." Landing softly on the couch, I sit myself properly and there, in front of me the bookshelves seems.. to grow?

"Eh?" I walk towards the weird looking bookshelves that mysteriously appear out of nowhere. I looked back towards the couch and back at the new bookshelves.

"Lucky~" I began to browse the book, "Rules of..

"The hierarchy of..







Firmamento-" Door slammed open suddenly, I flinched and sighed in relief that it was Romano and bloodied Italy. "Oh its you guys." I turn back to the book..


"Wait.. BLOODIED ITALY?!" I rushed towards them,

"Romano.. Is Italy alright, mio dio?!"

"Zitto. He's fine, he's not injured, dammit!" Romano lay Italy down on the couch,

"I see... I see..??"

"Ve~ I'm alright, Seborga~" laughed Italy as he sit himself properly,

"So.." Sighed Romano, "Did you find anything?" He guards the door, his gun in hand just in case.

"Almost." I reply as I get back to work,

"Eh?" There, on the low bottom left, a strange looking book with a title of, "Rivivere.."

I took the book and began to read it.

Eyes wide, chuckling, I turned around to my fratellos,

"Found.. it.." I declared, holding the book in my hand.

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