Part 30 : after the wedding

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We went out of the garden. By 'we' I mean me , Lucas , Michael , Lilliyom , calum , Hazel , Ashton , Alice. " so let's go near the river. It will be fun." Ashton suggested. Everyone was agree except me and Luke. We were a bit drunk and so tired. We made our way home but all of them went near the river. I love having fun with my friends but not when I'm tired. We went home. he opened the door and I walked in. I took of the jacket that Luke brought for me cause I forgot it. I threw it on the coach. I went in my room and Luke came after me. I turned to him." it was fun!" I said." Yeah!" " nice wedding!" " yes!" " beautiful bride!" " yeah!" " handsome groom!" " yeah!" " you wanna have more fun?" I asked him. " yes!" Luke said walking to me. He put his hand on my waist and I put my hands around his neck. " what do you mean by fun?" he asked. " everything that make us feel better." " you mean this?" he said starting kissing me . I kissed him back. He pushed me against a wall and unzipped my dress. Cause my dress had just one sleeve so I didn't have bra and that made him happier.i untied his tie and took off his suit. He started kissing my neck." Luke... oh I love you so much." " I love you more." He said taking off his shirt. We went on my bed and ...~ next morning ~The light coming out the window woke me up.Luke's left hand was on my waist connecting every part of our bodies to each other. His right hand was on my head from last night that he kissed my head and caressed it. My head was on his arm , like my forehead was in front of his mouth and my left hand was on his right arm. (What a situation!?) .i woke and blinked for 3 times. I noticed that I was just in my underwear and Luke in his boxers. I came out of his hug and put the blanket around my body. We were too fast. Luke waked. " what happened?" he asked sitting on the bed. " we ... we did too much last night." I said rubbing my eye with my palm. " what do you mean?" he asked with his confused face." I mean it's too soon for us." " hey hey hey look at me." he said turning to me and taking my hand." Aren't we girlfriend and boyfriend?" " yes." I said looking sad at one of the butterflies on my Counterpane. " don't I love you?" he asked me. " yes." " don't you love me?" he asked again." Yes but..." " but what?" " you're right!" I said taking a deep breath.he put his hand on my arm and pushed me on the bed. I laughed. He laughed too and pecked my lips.then laid down next to me. " what time is it?" " 8" I said. " I should go. The boys and Lilliyom and Hazel might be home and if one of them go into my room and see the bed empty ... you know what will happen!" he said sitting on the bed again." Don't." " what?" " don't go. If you leave it shows that you're scared of our love's consequences. " " I don't." " if you love me you should show everyone that you love me and not to be scared. Like Lilliyom and Michael or Hazel and Calum or even Ashton and Alice. Ashton do everything for her." " okay Madame." He said leaning on me and kissing my lips. " but ... a time we should get out of the bed!" " of course but I want to enjoy every second that I spend with you." I said kissing his cheek. 30 minutes later we got dressed and went in the hall. We saw everyone in the kitchen. " hi !" we all said to each other. We all sat next to our lovers. A girl , a boy! But without Alice. " so what did you do when we were outside?" Ashton asked us. we looked at each other." Well ... we had something personally!" Luke said. I smiled at him. and he smiled at me and intertwined our hands on the table. " oh we got it." Michael said looking at Lilliyom with a smile and Lilliyom rolled her eyes. " why are you looking at her like that?" Ashton asked Michael. " he wants me to ... give him a baby before our wedding." We all put our hands on our mouths. " what?" I asked. " I just want a baby . just it. I like it before our weeding. I really like it when I bought a dress for him or her for our wedding. It's cute." Michael said trying to inspire us." you're crazy Mickey!" Hazel said eating another piece of her pancake. " thank you for telling that Haze( I haven't miss 'L'! they call her Haze too! It reads like Heyz:P) ! I've told him so many times but he wants it so much." Lilliyom said." So... give him one!" Luke said. We all turned to him.He is crazy!


Thanks for reading. Another fucking part which is not really matters. I wanted to ask you something. Are you like me that every second fall in love with the boys deeper? I want to know am I the craziest 5sos fam on earth? Because a feeling tell me this. Anyways I hope you enjoy it. Love you all.

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