Chapter 11

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I was breathing. Alive. I knew this because I hurt. And despite being uncertain of what happened in the next life it made no logical sense for mortal wounds...or mortal bodies, for that matter to follow one to the next realm.

A moan escaped my lips and I became aware of their dry state. If felt as though I had swallowed a mouthful of sand on the way down from that tree.

That tree!

The last memory I had was tumbling through the air in an attempt to escape...the dragon.

I gasped and pushed myself upright, or at least I tried to. I opened my eyes but brilliant white light stabbed them and I immediately closed them once more.

"Lay still Lis," a voice broke through my panic, the smooth masculine tones familiar to my ears.

If Cillumn was next to me then I need not fear being eaten I supposed. Which was a little at odds with logic in general, to feel safe in the presence of the man who was the dragon. I scrunched my eyes tightly and lay back against something soft and smooth. Stupid, irrational brain.

I cracked an eye open, only a little, by the Six that room was bright, and peered in his direction.

If I thought my mouth was dry when I awoke it was nothing.

I was in some gleaming white room, a soft bed below me and silky cushions and blankets supporting my back and head. And there, in a polished dark chair with deep red pillows Cillumn sat, his elbows on his knees, watching me. He was clean, his face clear of any stubble and the chestnut hair that had flowed loosely was bound at his nape. Amber eyes regarded me from below the heavy brows. The shirt he wore was well fitted, black with several emerald threaded embroideries decorating the sleeves and cuffs. Tight enough to highlight his broad shoulders and thick biceps, and I found myself recalling just how those muscles looked without coverings. For the first time since I had woken him he looked like a true Dragon Lord.

My stomach made a little flip, much like the one it did as I fell through the branches.

"Where am I?" There, I managed to sound put out, and nothing like a human struck with dragon lust.

Cillumn raised his eyes and looked about the room. For I could see now that my eyes had adjusted that I lay in a tiny room with hardly enough space for the bed, the chair in which Cillumn sat and a table lined with a few items I couldn't place.

"You are in the medic wing, in the Amber Aerie," he said at last. "You have been since late yesterday."

I closed my eyes once more. I had begun to suspect as much. It made sense for him to bring me here, given that had been his goal from the start.

A strange aerie. One of the great dangers a Shifter might find in life. Especially a female shifter. And I was alone, without a pack to protect me, in fact the one man I relied on to protect me was a Dragon Lord himself.

But would he protect what really mattered? Sure I could count on him to step in should the Quatori, or those other beasts attack. But what of my body? Would he protect my rights there? Dragon Lords were not known for their caution with whom they had sex. In fact they fucked their way through multitudes of women, leaving a trail of heartbroken and unmatable females behind them. No Shifter wanted a Dragon Lord's cast offs. Mating was not at the top of my priority list, but I wasn't sure I was ready to have the option removed. Would I be expected to comply to any Dragon Lord that wished? The stories of my people indicated that there were such aeries, and I had no idea if this was one.

I frowned and opened my eyes again, watching Cillumn speculatively. I did not like what the thought of such expectations from him did to me. I was supposed to find the Dragon Lords and their ways disturbing, not...interesting.

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