Chapter 8,
Since it was the summer, school was out. The Old headmaster at Hogwarts was Killed 2 weeks before the summer started. I was there when it happened. It still scares me everyday.
Draco got me, Bella, grayback ( I think that is his name,) and a few others into the school. We went through the Vanishing closet or something, we walked out. Harry Potter or Potter was with Dumbordor, they just got back from destroying my uncles Horcrux, which I was happy for. But I will never tell anyone that. Anyways when we got to the tower where they were, Bella, me, the werewolf and Draco were talking to him. I looked down to see Potter standing there, his wand up to Draco. He saw me, looked at him and then back at the old headmaster.
Severes Snape walked up. “ Drace now, you must do it now.” Bella Cried to Draco.
“ Severes, please.” The old headmaster said,
“Avada Kedavra” Snape said, I knew he didn’t want to do this, I knew he was on the Order side. But whatever whats done is done.
“ Sam, lets go” Snape said, grabbing Draco and running. I went with Bella and she put the Death mark in the sky. I never wanted this to happen.
We ran, I threw on spells at Students that got in my way, but nothing to kill him or hurt them, Once we got out side, Bella Set the giants house on fire, Harry and Snape were fighting. I just wanted to got out of there so I went through the forest and went home.
Since the old Headmaster was killed, Snape was the knew headmaster, and I was the new Potions teacher! And I cant wait to start. My mom was happy and even my uncle was happy for me, weird. To day I was In the Alley, and waching people, Uncle had taken over the Ministry yay, so we meaning me and mom had to watch it for today.
“ Huney, isn’t that Molley Weasley?” she pointed to the right, and it was her.
“ Yes mom, that’s her, want to go talk to her?” she nodded as we walked to her. I was wearing a purple dress that went to the ground, with a floor length robe.
“ Hello Molly, how are you?” my mom asked
“ I’m good, Sam. Why don’t you go to Freds shop and talk to him? I know he wants to talk to you. “
She said
“ Okay, ill let ya talk, see you later.” My robe blew behind me as I walked toward his shop, I was getting very bad butterflies as I came close to him, I knew I was in love with him.
“ Hey George, hey Jessica. How are you?” I said as I saw them, there such a cute couple!
Jessica was a tall, blonde blue guy girl, who is very sweet. She was also in the Order.
“ we good, go upstairs to Freds office I thing he wants to talk to you.” George said. I nodded and said goodbye.
When I knocked on the door, I didn’t know what I was going to say to him, I haven’t talked to him since well really when he yelled and broke up with me.
“ Hey Sam, come on in!” he yelled. How the hell did he know it was me?
“ hey Fred, everyone was saying you wanted to talk to me?” I asked
“Yea, well I miss you! I don’t care anymore that you were keeping this a secret I know you were trying to protect me, but we shouldn’t get back together in till the war is over and your uncle is dead Sam, please, I love you so much. I don’t want anything to happen to you!” he said
“ Fred, I love you to! I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you! And I agree, it will be to dangers if my uncle is still living. And you know me and Dolohov are not dating right? Its all fake?” I asked
“ I know Sam, here I have something for you. It’s a necklace, it will protect you from spells, Hexes and things that get blown up from spells, the only things it doesn’t protect you from is the unforgivable curses.” It was a heart, and gold. On that back it says. “ I love you, Fred”
“ aww Fred, I love you as well, and thank you!” I said.
“ I love you more, now you should leave, before something happens, and good luck sam” he said as I left. I gave him a wink and left.
When I found my mom, we got more stuff for the Potion to bring back people, how when I bring people back, it isn’t just the Potion, I say a spell that no one knows the name off, I made it up. But it works! I also give them some of my energy, I cant bring more them a 100 people back or else I will die.
When we got home, I started making lessens for the classes, I had to be a Hogwarts in 2 weeks and I want to be prepared for teaching. Snape was also giving me some books and lessens for the classes to help me out! Thank you Snape!
2 weeks Later, Hogwarts.
When I got to Hogwartsm I went to Snapes Office.
“ Hey Snape, hows life?” I asked as I sat in the chair in front of him.
“ its great Sam, now. I will show you your room, and classroom. You are the head of Slytherin, its funny now you were not in Slytherin.” He said as we walked down the hallway.
“ I know right? And okay, So when are the students coming? “
“ 1 week, it will give you enough time to get ready right? If you need anything I will help. Since I was teaching this class for the past 9 or so years……..” aha hes funny.
“ uh huh. And okay Snape, thank you. “
“ Whatever, here is your room, your class is right there.” He pointed to a door right across from my room.
“ Aww Snape your soo nice to me! And okay thank you!” he said good bye and left me to get ready, why can I tell this year is going to be even more hellish then last?
I hope you like it ;)
and tell your friends about this story please?
Lucy <333
love you guys!
oh ps!
i will be trying to get 15 or so chapters done by the 6th of the upcoming month!!!!
so i will be uploading every night! maybe twice a night!!!
love you guys

Fred Weasley love story ( HP FAN FICTION.)
Teen FictionSamantha cooling has a dark past and a even darker future, her uncle was the dark lord, her boyfriend Fred Weasley hated her uncle but the worst part was no one knew in till the headmaster at Hogwards told everyone. Everyone was scared of Sam, will...