Just One Touch

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Hey everyone! So, kikipixielover has allowed me to continue this story! I hope you like it and dont dissapoint you  or her. Please vote, comment and or like, if you want to.  :) 



“Miss, somebody's here to see you.” The nurse said in a soft voice.

Who would want to see me at this time? I had just had my baby girl, and Mother wasn't due to visit until tomorrow. I looked toward the door then looked at the nurse and nodded.

“Sure let them in.” I said as quietly as possible, but making sure she would hear me.

I looked down at my baby girl and smiled. Her eyes were still closed tightly, but I knew she was special. I could tell that she would have my golden hair. She was a miracle in all this misery that was my life. I heard the door open and the nurse say something. I couldn't make it out but I caught something like, it's her.

 Who was she talking about? I looked at the door just as a man with a black hood over his head came in and behind him was a woman. I couldn't see their eyes or any facial features. I hoped it wouldn’t be who I was thinking it was. The nurse went out the room and closed the door, as the stranger stopped at the foot of my bed. I covered my baby up more and clutched her closer to my chest while I stared at him. They just stood there, not speaking. They simultaneously lifted their hands to their hoods and pulled them down. It was who I thought it would be. He shook his blond hair out and stared at me with those sharp, cold blue eyes.

“What are you doing here?!” I sneered at him.

“I’m sorry about this, really I am.” He said while stepping closer.

I tried to get up but I was tied up to the IV. These hospitals and their needles! If I took out the needle I didn’t know what would happen, but it could not be good. He came closer until he was right beside me. I put my baby as far from him as I could, on the other side of the bed. He couldn't have her!

“What do you want!?” I cried.

“Again, I'm sorry.” He said.

He reached over and grabbed her in a speed I had never seen before. It was like she was his only goal, but I bet it was. She squealed and for the first time opened her eyes. I gasped, they were blue. I pulled the needle out and tried to get up. All of a sudden the world turned blue and I lost all focus.

“It’s for your own good.”

I was frozen and couldn't scream.

Just One TouchWhere stories live. Discover now