Opener 0.1

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Harry is a part time worker in a small coffee shop in his home town of Holmes Chapel, he enjoys the atmosphere of the small shop as well as some of the elderly folk that come in of the afternoon for their weekly coffee.

He is currently studying for a degree in which one day he will be able to open up his own caffe. Somewhere nice, with a lovely layout and greenery.

Until then, Harry is working as many hours as he can to save up for his apartment; his food, his rent, his car, and to pay off his degree.

Sure it takes a toll on him, for example; not hanging out with his best friend Niall a lot and a staggered sleeping pattern but Harry is okay with that. He knows that what he's doing is for his own good and that it's what he's always dreamt of, he isn't going to give up now.

As he finishes wiping down the last of his work bench, he looks up and sighs softly to himself seeing wet drops of rain spill down the shop windowsill. Harry has always loved the rain, ever since he was little.

As Harry watches the rain, he remembers back to when he was about eight. He was sitting inside in front of the wooden fireplace warming his hands up, he'd just come inside from the garden and was soaking wet from the rain. He remembers his mum watching him make silly rain dances and jump puddles from behind the window, laughing at him. He then smiles to himself, remembering those good old days.

A sudden ring of someone entering the shop brakes Harry out of his daze, rather unexpectedly Harry begins to apologise saying "I'm sorry sir were cl-"

"Oh, sorry!" The slightly shorter brunette began.

"I was- um, it's just- it's raining and I was looking for some shelter." He apologised, turning to exit the shop.

"No! Wait," Harry exclaims feeling horrible.

"Please?" He sighs motioning to the nearest table, "take a seat? I'm sorry I was so rude just then."

"It's okay.." The brunette shrugged, taking a seat as Harry comes over.

Harry nods  giving the boy an apologetic smile, "so what's your name..?"

"Louis," The brunette speaks returning the smile. "But you can call me Lou and yours?"

"Louis, that's a lovely name" Harry smiles. "mine's Harry, nice to meet you."

"Same here!" Louis nods, returning his smile.

The pair continue talking and end up exchanging their phone numbers over a cup of hot chocolate each, Harry gets to know a lot about Louis and Louis about Harry.

Latter on when Harry is finally able to close up, he locks the shop up and shoves the key in his pocket. Pulling out his phone, he opens up his messages to his best mate Niall and begins typing.

To: Nigel
Hey mate! Just closed shop! Are you free tomorrow? You'll never guess how my afternoon went today! :)

As if almost instantly Harry heard his phone ping! Meaning Niall had replied, Harry opens it and reads:

From: Nigel
Hey H! Awesome! I'm guessing by the looks of that smiley face it was good? R u free around 2?

Harry just chuckles to himself and types a reply:

To: Nigel
Maybe!... Yeah! See you then!

After hitting send, Harry shoves his phone in his pocket and begins to drive home. When he gets home Harry quickly gets changed and lays back against his mattress, thinking about his day and how pretty that Lou boys eyes were.

Something about his eyes kept rolling around in the back of Harry's mind and he couldn't understand why, none the less. Harry was excited to see his best friend tomorrow, he hadn't seen Niall in about a week so this visit was long overdue.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2016 ⏰

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