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Casey Fray was the eldest child in the Fray household

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Casey Fray was the eldest child in the Fray household. His younger sister Clary had always looked up to her raven haired brother, often calling him her own guardian angel.

And upon first glance Casey really did look like an angel. He had raven hair that was just long enough for it to fall into his chocolate brown eyes, and a jawline that was so sharp it seemed to be a blade of its own.

The Fray siblings were such a contrast, that people often had problems believing that they were really related at all. And although Clary looked up to Casey, Casey often found himself envious of his younger sister. See, Clary looked just like their mother Jocelyn.

They both had red hair and the same heart shape face and button nose. Yet, Casey looked nothing like his sister or his mother. One day Casey had questioned his mother about that topic, to which his mother reluctantly admitted that Casey looked like his father. To add to this, Casey often felt as though he was an outsider in his own family. Clary and Jocelyn had a very close relationship and Casey longed to have that type of relationship with his own father. But unfortunately he was not in their lives at all.

Therefore Casey was also more inquisitive about their father than Clary was. Clary had accepted that their father was dead, but Casey was constantly badgering his mother, wanting to know all he could about his father.

Since he was little, Casey had always wanted to make the world a better place. He wanted to put criminals behind bars, to take down the bad guys. Looking back, Casey often felt as though it was to do with the fact that since he was a child he felt that he needed to take up the role of the man of the house and protect his mother and sister. He had taken up boxing at the age of six and at the age of twenty he still trained three times a week, alongside with being a police officer.

Casey walked up to Luke, sighing as he eyed the new dead body. They were turning up repeatedly, drained of blood and Casey most certainly believed that there was foul play involved.

"Another one?" He sighed, standing beside the only father figure that he had ever known. Casey would be lost without Luke in all honesty. At the age of sixteen Casey had realised that he looked at boys and felt the same about boys as he did girls. Confused, Casey had turned to Luke who helped him through the realisation that he was in fact bisexual. Despite often feeling like an outsider some of the time, Casey's family and friends loved him for him and for that he would always feel content.

"Oh yeah." Luke huffed, his forehead creasing in frustration.

The two stared at the body, this time it being a young woman, with nothing but a long red silk cloak draped over her naked body. Her dark hair spilled out onto the ground, as her open, lifeless eyes gazed out onto the sky, not really seeing at all. The strangest thing was how she had two small puncture holes, parallel to each other on the side of her neck.

"I have to go, Clary is waiting on me." Casey announced, pulling his jacket tighter around his body as the cool morning air nipped his skin.

Before he could answer, the familiar sound of Luke's ringtone filled the air. Casey watched as he took the phone from his back pocket, checking the caller ID. Casey peered over his shoulder, his eyes landing on the screen which announced that it was his mother calling.

He tutted disapprovingly as Luke hit decline before sliding the phone back into his pocket.

"You know she can tell when you decline, right?" Casey laughed.

"Yeah, I know."

"Look, just talk to mum. Or better yet, marry her. Honestly." Casey sighed, pushing his glasses further up the bridge of his nose. "I'll see you later." He told Luke and nudged him before setting of home.

- - -

"Where's baby Fray?" Casey yelled, grinning as he threw his keys onto the counter.

"Casey." The tinkering laugh of his red headed sister reached his ears. Casey turned, his eyes landing on his sister who was smiling brightly. "When are you going to stop calling me baby Fray?"

"When you stop being the youngest." Casey retorted, sticking his tongue out at the red head. A smile returned to his face as he hugged his sister. "Present time." The raven haired boy sang, pulling out a sleek black box from his pocket and handing it to his sister.

Clary opened the box, gasping as she saw the necklace that lay inside. It was a dainty little thing, with a long silver chain and a charm at the end of it with a dark blue jem in the middle.

"Oh Casey it's beautiful." She spoke in awe. "Thank you so much."

Casey grinned with relief. He wasn't sure if his sister would like it. He wasn't very good at buying presents for other people."You're welcome. You can wear it tonight along with Dot's top."

"You know about the top?" Clary asked, her eyes wide.

"Of course." He laughed. "And I'm coming with you to Pandemonium by the way. I don't care if your eighteen, you'll always be a rosy cheeked five year old to me."


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