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Casey sat down on the bench that he had sat on so many times in his dreams. These dreams were so vivid, almost like they were reality, things that had already happened.

The dreams had first begun at the age of eleven, but he had not told his mother. At first the faces were blurry and the voices too soft to hear, but as the years went on the dreams became clearer like when you wiped away the smears upon a window.

He had many of them, some of a man with cat like eyes and glowing hands, while another was about a man with blonde hair and bright eyes hugging a toddler with dark hair that looked oddly like Casey.

But this was his favourite one, and not surprising either. This one was set in a meadow in summer time, the sun shining while a cool breeze caressed the faces of those within the dream. There was a man in his late twenties in the meadow, along with his two children.

Twins, two boys. The dark haired boy was the same from the dream with the blonde man, and Casey longed to know who he was. The other little boy was the most beautiful child Casey had ever seen.

His hair was pale blonde, so blonde infact it was almost white. He had long eyelashes that brushed against his cheeks when he blinked and his eyes were such a dark brown that upon first glance you would mistake them for black.

Just like he always did, the man sat on the green grass, grinning as he watched his two children chasing one another. Normally when Casey went through this dream he could never hear what the children were saying, he could only hear the father cheering on his children.

But not this time. This time Casey heard it all and watched as it all unfolded before his eyes.

"Come on Jonathan." The small child laughed, his raven hair falling in his eyes as he turned to face his brother, still running.

Jonathan. That was the boys name. It was amazing, they were so young and yet their words were so advanced.

The blonde child increased his pace, his giggles carried in the wind. The dark haired boy won the race, bounding into his father's waiting arms. He hugged his son tightly, kissing the top of his head. The other child reached their father, pouting.

"Don't pout Jonathan." Their father laughed wrapping his other arm around the child. "There will be other races."

"But Casey always beats me dad." Jonathan whined.

Casey felt his stomach drop as he watched from the bench. The child's name was Casey. With his raven hair and bright eyes, Casey had trouble pushing back the thoughts that this child could be him. It was impossible.

"It's not about who wins Jonathan, it's about who hits the hardest. If you give your all and you still lose, learn from that and know that there will come a time when you will never lose again." The young man told his pale haired son with a small smile. He turned to his raven haired son next who watched his twin brother and father with a small smile.

"And Casey my avenging angel, never lose that fire within you because it will give you the strength that you need."

The dream began to fade, the colours melting into one another and the last words he heard was the father telling his children that he loved them.

Lonely Hearts ⇨ Alec LightwoodWhere stories live. Discover now