sIx p.1

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A/N Sorry it's so late I'll post part 2 soon, tashas outfit in media

I quickly go to the bathroom and jump into the shower, I grab my lush body wash and lather myself in it. I wash my hair with my sweet smelling shampoo and conditioner.

After roughly 10 minutes I hop out of the shower and cover myself in my towel. I walk into my bed room and pick up a pair of blue jeans and a black top (in media).

After getting dressed I walk into the kitchen and grab out a knife, bread and Nutella and begin to make two sandwiches, I stop half way and check the time on my phone 30 minutes until he's here, I finish the second sandwich and place both of them in a ziplock bag.

I walk to the lounge room and sit on the couch watching re-runs of spongebob on the couch. I'm halfway through an episode and I hear a knock on the door annoyed I get off the couch and then remember the Michael is probably at the door.

I look through the peep hole and see Michael standing there. I brush the imaginary dust off my pants and open the door slowly.

Michael looks straight at me "Tash?" He speaks opening his arms "it's you"he finishes as I run into his arms taking in his scent. "Michael!" I scream "your actually here in my house I can't even" well there goes my lets not fangirl rule, I'm shaken out of my thoughts be Michael laughing.

"Your even cuter in real life tashy" he said laughing, I look up at him a shove him an evil glare "I'm not cute I'm stunning" I begin "you peasant." I grab his hand and lead him into the kitchen.

"Hungry?" I question him, he thinks to himself for a second "sure watch cha got?" I look in the cupboard and then the fridge, I then remember the Nutella sandwich I made "we have a banana" I tell him as I see the fruit bowl in the corner of my eye "or a Nutella sandwich I made earlier or we could go on a quick Maccas (a/n this is what we call McDonald's in Australia) run if you want?"

Michael thinks for a second before he says "Maccas run?" I smile and Grab my keys off the hook in the kitchen and lead grab Michaels hand leading him to the front door "you get in the car I'm gonna go get my purse" I explain as I unlock the door to the car.

•At McDonald's•

I pull into the drive-thru and look at the menu as I'm looking I hear a persons voice come through the box "hi what can I get for you?" I once again look at the menu and see that they have an all day breakfast so I order 5 hash-browns and 1 plate of hotcakes, I turn to Michael and ask what he wants and he orders the same.

We drive to the pick up/ paying window and well pay and get out food. The drive back to my place is a lot of slapping Michael hand away from the food and moaning.

As I pull into the the driveway and get the food racing to the door I grab my key our while Michael makes his way up to me.

I walk into the house and grab out my food and start eating, Michael grabs his and does the same.

Part 2 coming soon

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2016 ⏰

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