Chapter 8

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Bella P.O.V

The annoying beeping of the alarm wakes me up that Monday morning. I growl, rolling on my side, covering my head with the pillow. Edward silences the alarm and rolls over, hugging me by the waist.

"Morning," he murmurs.

"Shut up," I mutter.

He laughs, his warm breath hits me softly under the ear. "I'm sorry to break it to you but you have to work today."

I groan at the mere thought of it. I have to work for that psycho bitch who somehow got my number and told me to be at her house by seven sharp, not a minute late. She sent me her address and not even a goodbye or thank you. I can already see how it's going to be a nightmare.

Edward jumps off the bed. I scream when he grabs me by the legs and drags me to the edge of the bed. The pillows and everything else came along with me as I tried to hold on to something. Edward grabs me from my bum and picks me up.

"Are you getting up now?" He asks.

I wrap my arms around his neck and smile. "Now I do since someone literately just dragged me out of bed." He places me on my feet, turns me and guides me to the bathroom. "Hurry because I'm next."

"You can join me, you know?" I joke.

He shakes his head. "My self control is not greater than yours, my dear. I'm afraid no. Now," he kisses me, "Hurry."

I nod, walking in the bathroom. I take a shower as fast as I can and hurry outside to get ready. By the time I'm done, it's 6:30. I rush everywhere under Edward's watch, who is pretty amused by the show, I suppose.

"Okay, I'm leaving." I kiss him. "I'll see you later."

I don't give him the chance to say by back. I run out of the house to my car. Thank God, this early in the morning there are no cars outside and the traffic is up to a minimum. I have no idea why this woman has to live all the way to the other side of town when the offices for Seattle Times are in downtown. That's a big waste of time.

I'm at her door with thirty seconds to spear. Her door flies open and she stands there, staring down at my with an arced eyebrow.

"I think perhaps your wardrobe comes from a donation center?" She replies.

I look down at what I'm wearing. Blue skinny jeans, brown boots, white shirt, brown jacket. What's wrong with this? Does she really expect me to dress up as if I'm running for president. Fuck, I really do have to talk to Amanda.

"Fitzgerald is almost here. Here." She shoves her purse on my face walks walks out.

I growl, pulling her purse over my shoulder. I take in a deep breath and walk behind her where a black SUV parks and a old man rushes around the car to open her door. He gives me a smile, a very friendly smile.

"You must be her new PA. I'm Harry." He offers me his hand. "You are?"

I take his hand. "Isabella Swan. Nice to meet you." We shake hands.

The window rolls down and Ms. Henderson looks at us. "Greetings later, Fitzgerald, we have to go. Swan, get in here." The window rolls back up.

"Is she always this kind of a bitch?" I mutter as we walk around the car.

Harry laughs. "I'm afraid only on Mondays. This, sweetheart, is her mellow attitude." He opens my door and waits until I get inside.

He's nice. I like him. Genuinely, I like old people because in my opinion they're more wise and have way more education than Ms. Bitch over here next to me.

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