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Brent trudged along the barren road, grasping his coffee with the caution of a fighter pilot. He glanced back at the construction site behind him, an accurate depiction of his life. Broken and lonely. When he eventually got to the dilapidated pale red building that was his home, if you could call it that, he slowly stepped inside.

When he got in, Brent slammed the door so hard the glass smashed. Then the shouting started again, and of course it was his parents, as it was always his parents. He turned his music up louder, unlocked his phone and tapped on the 'messages' icon. The contact at the top said 'Sally', but just as He was about to text her, his father walked in.
"I thought I told you never to come back" He shouted, getting much too close for Brent's comfort.
"Where was I supposed to go?" Brent said in what was more of a grumble than speech.
"Don't talk back to me" screamed his dad in anger, striking him across the face with furious intent.
Brent lay in bed, the lights turned off, his phone dimly illuminating his face.
One word sent to Sally.
Then the world went black.

At 5AM, Brent awoke from a fitful sleep, which was barely that, as it was hard for Brent to sleep without the demons in his head calling him to hell. After contemplating life for a minute he decided to flee from  his broken home, so he laced up his beaten shoes and tread upon the glass of the doorstep, brashly kicking open the door and sprinting out to the warm morning air.
As always, he checked his phone.
It read: "3 missed calls from Sally"
"Shit!" Brent cursed aloud, as a truck drove close to a puddle next to him, splashing him with water.

Disheartened, he walked to the remains of the local pier. The pier had burned down some time ago, and since then no one had bothered to rebuild it. He felt at home here, as it was quiet, the only noise was the waves, rhythmically smashing against the rusted and weathered iron railings, once a deep, ocean blue, to match the sea in which it was situated, however now a pale and depressing colour, not dissimilar to how Brent felt at the moment.

He decided to sit on the railing that looked the sturdiest, and hoped Sally would come, despite the fact that he hadn't answered any of her calls or replied to any of her texts for at least three months. For a while he sat in silence, watching the waves crashing against the jagged rocks several metres down.

"Brent!" Called Sally as she was running round the corner, phone in hand. "Why haven't you spoken to me for so long?! I seriously thought you were dead. You can't do this to me!"
"Well I said sorry, didn't I?" Whispered Brent, sadly.
"That doesn't count!" Said Sally, who had now sat upon the railing next to him.

Suddenly the railing creaked loudly and started to give out at an impossibly fast pace but somehow Sally had dismounted, Brent, however, plummeted down to the knife-like rocks below.
"BRENT!!!" Sally screamed.
Brent's bright blue eyes looked up at Sally, full of sadness. She looked away, a single tear streaming down her left cheek. By this time, a small crowd of about ten people had gathered at the pier, two of which were medics, questioning Sally as to what had happened.

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