Origin of wolfs

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One day Lupa was roaming the woods in the form of a young woman when she saw two brothers from the a tribe hunting. The boys, names were Fang and Nicklaus, they had just caught a deer with their bows. She walked up to the boys and presented herself as a lost and hungry wanderer from a different tribe. They offered the "stranger" some of the deer meat that they had just caught, and she accepted. Weeks later, Lupa appeared in the same part of the woods again and saw the same boys again hunting.  Explaining that ever since they caught the deer a weeks earlier they hadn't been able to catch anything and were very hungry. Remembering the boys' previous generosity, she had no meat to offer them, but maybe could share with them a power of the wolf so that they could catch a deer more easily. At first the boys didn't believe, but when Lupa transformed into a wolf and back in front of their eyes, they excitedly agreed. The only condition that she gave Fang and Nicklaus was that they could not use their wolf-forms to hurt any humans, only to hunt. Months went by and the boys used their wolf forms to catch enough deer for the entire village. One day, Fang was in an argument with another boy in the village, and in his anger, transformed into a wolf and killed the boy. Now fearing their power, both boys were both cast out of the tribe and forced to live in the woods. Lupa was furious. She cast a new spell on Fang so that from that day forth, he would no longer be able to shape-shift at will. Every day he would take on a complete human form and every night he would transform into a mindless wolf. Nicklaus, having done no wrong, was allowed to keep his shape-shifting ability. Having been cast out from the Fox tribe and knowing that Fang would be unable to control himself in his wolf form, Nicklaus left by himself into the wilderness. Nicklaus is now known as the Father of Werewolves, being the first one and creating the others. This is where the history of the werewolf begins, but it is far from where it ends. Many years went by with no sign of Nicklaus or any other aggressive night wolf.  

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