The Connection

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 I know it's long but I really like the way I took this

Goddess in the Greek myths, Artemis has been linked with wolves on occasion. She is the daughter of Zeus and Leto, the shapeshifting Goddess who becomes a wolf. She's also been associated with bears. The moon is very significant as Artemis is a moon goddess. It is said that she might be the maiden aspect of the triple moon goddess, with Selene and Hecate as the other two. A virgin goddess of wild animals, childbirth and hunting.

The image of Artemis that we have is a slender young woman with flowing silvery blonde hair and pale blue eyes, dressed in a silken blue and white tunic, as she holds an elegant bow while carrying arrows on her back. She is more athletic, with her hair up, crowned by a golden tiara decked in blossoms, wearing practical attire suitable for running, laced boots, and a pack of wolves beside her. She is pale as the full moon. She is the maiden that we come across in "fairytales"

"Moons are never the same without wolves howling to it. Wolves howl at the moon for many reasons. They enjoy it, for one reason. Also werewolves are linked to the moon. Shapeshifting has a lot to do with the moon and when the moon is full, the werewolf becomes a wolf. This transformation needs no surgery but a complete spiritual/mental/physical change in appearance from human to wolf. The full moon has a vast amount of properties such as gravity and this enables the tides to alter, our inner chemicals to move, attitudes and behaviour to be swept up and for animals to undergo a strange pattern that time of the month. The moon is spiritually and physically linked by fables, myths and new age beliefs, to women. The full moon crosses paths with she wolf heat (menstrual flow), even at different periods! Werewolves, the moon and blood. Wolves, moon and blood. This is what the blood stands for: Womanhood or motherhood."

I sat and listened to the Moon Goddess talk to me in my sleep. I was new to this. I wasn't even 18. That's when we change. I was a 15 year old that had turned at the Goddess intended because there was something important I needed to do in my pack.

"What's so special about me Goddess?"

"There is a story of you"

"What is it?"

"The great White Wolf ascended the highest snow capped mountain peak and quietly surveyed the world below. The wind gently ruffled her thick coat. How she loved being so high almost at one with the diamond stars. She cherished these times of ascension where she felt one with the Universe, able to commune with Artemis, the Moon Goddess. Looking down through ice-blue eyes, White Wolf could see crystals sparkling as the stars of the Earth, one or two colours would always catch her eye and heal her body. She felt at peace. As she cast her mind back she could clearly recall the times when she was searching, troubled. She remembered as her mind descended, step by step, down the steep mountain until she reached the forest floor. Back then, at the bottom of the mountain she gazed into the still waters of the clear pond and she asked herself "Why am I so Empty?" As she looked around she saw troubled faces, moving around as if in a daze. "Where is the joy?" she wondered. A she looked into the pond she wondered what it was that had been missing, like a void inside. From an early age she felt troubled, responsible for others, always trying to please, she felt alone and this weighed heavily upon her shoulders. "Why do we care so much about what others think?" As time went by and the seasons changed she carried this weight around with her, a burden on her very existence. She wondered why she felt this way. "Who am I?" she wondered. Feeling very sad and frustrated a teardrop fell into the water below and shattered the image being reflected. At that moment she glimpsed a better way of being, a happier way, she saw himself reborn. Light seemed to fall like Excalibur through one of the trees and he looked up. There was a blue butterfly lightly dancing across the forest. The White Wolf gasped in surprise at how beautiful this butterfly looked. Then she noticed a snow white owl looking at him with intense inquiry. A thought flashed across the back of his eyes and she wondered "is all of this a reflection of my thoughts and my moods?" When the teardrop broke the water it seemed to smash some kind of reflection she had not really seen clearly, as if it had all been an illusion, like a dream, and now she could look through it, "remove the lie to see the truth". She had always wondered "what am I not seeing?" She had a feeling she needed to look not just through her eyes but through her heart. She wondered if the light had come from within."


"As she raised her head from the depths of despair she saw something new, something pure, something magical. As her thoughts turned to the beauty of the blue butterfly, she felt lighter, happier, more connected. She wondered if the troubled faces of those around her were in fact mirroring her own troubled face perhaps as a message to her. When she gasped at the beauty of the blue butterfly she saw the Owl looking at her, as she had been scanning the flight path of the butterfly. Then she saw something more beautiful than she had ever seen before. As her glance rose up even higher, she saw the magnificent luminescence of the Moon Goddess. Her light seemed to illuminate the whole world. Her heart lifted. Was she now seeing through her heart? Is this why all this beauty suddenly became visible? Was it not always there but she had just not seen it? She had a sense that the heaviness was not due to anything outside of herself but due to her own thoughts. She wanted to climb up and be as close to the Moon as possible. So she began his ascension. Along the way she would stop and talk to the animals around her. A deer smiled at her and said "listen to language of emotion and feel how it vibrates in your very being". Then she met a Unicorn with the voice of a harp and said "the wise do not judge those around them before looking deep within. At that moment, we see we are all One." The Blue Butterfly returned and said "find the Blessing in every situation, it will guide you to a greater knowing of who you are." By this time White Wolf had forgotten about the heavy weight of responsibility, she felt as light as a feather. She wondered if all he needed to do was look up and embrace a new perspective. The forest looked so different now, everyone she met seemed happy and friendly. A tortoise popped out and said "we need to come out of the shadows now and move into the light".

"And then she heard what seemed like silky waters cascading over smooth facades of the earth. Artemis Moon Goddess Welcomed White Wolf Home. But what does this have to do with me Goddess?"

"Dear One, we have been watching you and urging you to follow the wisdom of your own heart. You are starting to see its light and feel its warmth. It will soothe your mind and nourish your Being. The heart has vast oceans to explore and currents to ride. Your heart will bring you all that you need and the food and nourishment and provisions for your journey. Trust Dear One. This is a journey of great Trust and epic proportions such as Homer's Odyssey. Without a map and visual aids you will experience more than those who rely on things external to themselves. Yours is a sacred path for those who choose to go beyond reason and the known, who have the courage to branch out on a new path and see where it leads. This path is unchartered, it has no prior footsteps upon it. You are taking the first steps, you are the pioneers. To do this requires great trust. Leave behind the compass and the maps and go it alone. You will be safe. The dangers are many but only from your own fears in your mind. This is how to connect to the wisdom of the heart, Dear One. Step by Step. Unplanned. Without pre-empting the outcome. This is St Francis of Assisi, the Wise One to the animals and nature, living totally from the heart. This will be your comfort. Your guide. Your food and nourishment. Your freedom and independence. No need do you have for the approval of others when you are so filled with love and approval of Self. This will fulfil you and sustain you. This will be your greatest gift, to yourself and your greatest contribution to others. You are living it already Dear One. You are doing it. Being it. One with Life and Existence with each breath. One With Love and Truth, with Great Spirit and the pond of eternal wisdom. You have the love and support of the Universe to be who you want to be. Go now and be free".

She disappeared from my mind and I jerked up out of my slumber on a pile of leaves and stood up changed and ran using my freedom.

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