Chapter 3 War Declared

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Silverblack White fire Pack leader POV


I turned. An amazing smell was circulating through the room. A laugh came flowing to my ears. A laugh echoed. Then a voice teased.

"Come and find me..."

I turned and started running towards the smell. There she stood with her back towards me. What was she looking at? I took steps forward and I saw my brother holding her hand while he was on his knee.

"What are you doing with my mate!?"

"Your mate! She is mine!"

"Like Hell she is!"

"We are brothers let us not fight. I think we can agree you have always been jealous."

"I would never!"

My mate stepped out from behind me and spoke with her hands on our chest. Shocked by the electricity.

"Stop if you can't settle your differences then you shall not have me!"

She turned and walked away shaking that cute a** of hers.

"I will win her and if it comes to it I will kill you! Are we at an understanding?!"

"We are!" He then shifted and took off running.

Juan Razgriz pack leader

I took off running. I vowed I would propose to her then and there where I found her. She stood facing me I dropped to one knee.

"I've found you! Do me the honor in marrying me?"

She smiled at me.

"What are you doing with my mate?"

What the hell was he thinking.

"Your mate! She is my mate!"

"Like Hell she is!"

I wanted to lunge. He snatched her from my grip. I gained enough control to talk slowly and evenly.

"We are brothers let us not fight. I think we can agree you have always been jealous of me hand her over brother."

My twin was always an a**. But being twins it didn't intimidate me one bit.

"I would never!"

I had her first that means she is mine. I watched as she slowly walked and she placed her hands on our chest. She turned and walked away. He turned back to me and you could feel, smell, and taste the hatred towards me.

"I will win her and if it comes down to it I will kill you! Are we at an understanding Juan?!"

"We are!" I shifted and took off running in. I howled. This was war and me and my brother are going to be caught in the middle.

These two boys are not going to shine any light on this to them this is a fight for love. Rebecca loves them both if only they would notice......

Months later
       Juan pacing and Silver looking ready to kill. Rebecca stands off and watches. Why must boys be boys?

Silver POV

Leading up to me planning on how to kill my brother and his pack. Was this... My wolf spoke up to me.

'You idiot this is the only way to get our girl!'

I thought about it. I started walking forward. I meet at the middle. His pack bigger than mine by maybe a thousand.

"Our Luna!"

My pack yelled.

"This is the battle that you will not win! That beautiful woman standing and watching this is my mate and I will prove to her I love her more than you do!"

My brother stepped forward then. I pounced onto his back before he fell to the ground he shifted. When he went to roll us over I shifted next. I let out a bark signalling my pack to attack. I linked my brother.

'This is not going to end well'

'That's what you think twin'

I was taken by surprise when weight was applied to my back. I barked asking for help. I looked around a lot of blood was shed on these grounds. Soon enough we will being apon graves....

I jumped backwards as I saw his jaws come. Our growls filled the air we circled each other. Once in a while looking at our pack. A sharp pain goes through my side bout no one is there. I collapse to the ground. I feel like I'm bleeding. It was my mate! What the hell!? I looked the way the howl came from. A wolf had her. I stood on two feet. I used my Alpha power. I made a freezing zone. (Freeze zone freezes a certain area the castor chooses).

"My mate could be dead because of you!"

"Your mate I think is what you mean to say brother"
Not caring about common decency. I got into my battle stance ready for whatever came my way.

Juan POV
One of my wolfs killed her. Then when he cast the freeze zone only a true Alpha can do that! That would mean he was more superior than me! My mate had chose him before she died. I got into my battle stance. I faltered on mg feet. But quickly regained my balance. I lunged grabbing my brother around the throat he grabbed mine. I turned to save myself and my brother followed pursuit. Both in wolf form snarling and snapping. He lunged at me grabbing my tuff and flinging me across the way. I let out a whimper as I stood back up he stalked towards me. I took my tail and swung it under him causing him to fall to his side. I pinned me with his paws on my chest and his strong jaws around my neck.

'Any last words brother?'

'I-I-I am s-s-orry.'

I wasn't able to finish.

Silver POV

I couldn't listen to him anymore I bit into his neck and a loud crunch went through the clearing. My freeze zone no longer up. I felt new ties on my heart but I still felt empty my mate was gone. Her body lay in the middle of a group of wolfs. Looking at her mangled body. My baby girl gone.....


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