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Kay so this is my first time writing Oneshots ahah.. I'll give a shoutout to my best friend Katrina
Because she was the ONLY person who answered my question!!
ANYWAY! I hope everyone enjoys them and reads them because I quite enjoy writing them.. Btw the first one is Pudd.. Enjoy!

Written by:- Me
Warnings:- They kiss for about.. 20 seconds, I hope that don't scar anyone..

Oh! And there's the tiniest bit of Jatt Billis..

Dougie Poynter slams his skateboard down on the dry tarmac and starts pushing himself along the smooth ground. It was eleven o'clock on a Saturday morning, and Dougie was on his way to meet his friend, Matt Willis, at the skate park.

Matt speeds along the street. Giving his board three extra pushes every so often. Dodging bins, hedges and people. Matt's meeting two people today: Dougie and his new best mate James Bourne. Dougie doesn't know this yet so he's gonna get a nice surprise when they arrive.

Matt speeds on down the street, going even faster now because he can see the entrance to the park. He forgets about looking where he's going but suddenly a familiar, squeaky but soft voice yells.


"WOAAGH!!" Matt yells as he jumps up with his skateboard and, just about, skims the wall.

"Whoo! That was close!" Dougie walks over.

"Yeah! Thanks James!" Matt waves over to the small blonde boy.

"No problem!" James winks as he walks over, holding his skateboard on his side.

"Hey! I'm Dougie!" Dougie sticks his fist out, indicating for James to punch it, which he did.

"Cool! I'm James!"

"Shhould we go in now.." Matt slurs, staring lovingly into James' blue eyes. But, unfortunately, Dougie breaks the romantic silence.

"Yeah Let's Goo!" He, once again, slams his skateboard down, but runs after it because it already started speeding down the square. "N-N-NO! COME BACK HERE!" He bolts after and jumps on the 'runaway skateboard'. He wobbles a bit but stabilises himself and pushes the board along the square.

"C'mon Matt!" James does the same (apart from the 'runaway skateboard' thing) and Matt follows, jumping out of his daze.

The enter the reception, still on their skateboards.

"Hey! Boys!" The guy looks at them sternly. "Off!"

The three of them obediently step off their skateboards. They walk into the indoor skate park.

"There is an outdoor bit, but it's still being built!" Matt explains to James.

James nods, looking around. He sees a lot of kids, boys and girls, either on skateboards, roller skates or BMXs. Skimming half-pipes or just showing off, teaching their friends or having competitions with eachother.

Matt nudges Dougie. "Hey look! It's Harry!"

Dougie immediately looks up and sees Harry Judd showing off to his school-mate. A really tall guy with very large eyebrows.

"Charlie! Charlie watch this! Charlie! Charlie! Watch THIS!" Harry whines, the boy, Charlie Simpson, looks up from his phone at Harry.

"Go on then!" He nods.

Harry attempts to jump on his skateboard but ends up just jumping. His skateboard stays on the ground. Charlie tries his very best to keep a straight face, but his lip is quivering.

"Nice one!" He widens his eyes before bursting out laughing. Harry looks at him, raising his eyebrow in an 'are you kidding me?' Fashion. "Sor-ry!" Charlie continues laughing.

"Don't be a dick Charles!" Harry grins.

"Shut up Harold!" Charlie retaliates.

"Nah!" Harry pauses. "Chaswick!"

"Huh, yes Spaswick!" Charlie looks back down at his phone.

"Alright! You win!"

"I know! I always do!" Charlie looks up again, smiling sarcastically.

All that time, James and Matt were lining up for the half pipe. While Dougie was eavesdropping on Charlie and Harry's conversation, trying not to laugh.

Charlie's phone buzzes again and a smile soon appears on his face when he checks it.

"Who is it?" Harry sighs.

"Molly!" Charlie answers him, eyes glittering.

"Hey! Where's that guy?!" Harry suddenly says.

"What guy?" Charlie looks up from his phone.

"You know... The short.. Cute one!"

"What are you on about Harry?"

"I don't know his name but he's here! Every week! With Matt!"

"Ooh, him."




"His name is Dougie!" Charlie repeats.

Dougie's heart stops. ME!?

"Seriously?!" Harry smiles, excitedly.


"Yes!" Charlie says. Making Dougie jump. "And I saw them walking in earlier with another small kid."

"Ahh! When was that!?" Harrys eyes widen.

Harry loves looking at Dougie. Watching all of stunts and how well he can shred the half pipe. Harry thinks he's great and someday, they were going to talk.

Today is that someday.

"Earlier.." Charlie mumbles, too engrossed in talking to his girlfriend to take an interest in Harry's love life.

Harry sighs. "Well that helps!" He picks up his board. "Be back in a while.. See ya! Chaswick!"

"Okay.." Charlie dazes. Still not looking up from his phone.

Harry sighs again and walks round the corner of the wall, him and Charlie were sitting behind, and walks straight into Dougie.

"AGH!" Harry grabs Dougie's arm tightly. But his grip loosens quickly. "I'm so sorry!"

"It's.. It's alright." Dougie dazes, looking into Harry's eyes. "Your eyes are beautiful!"

"So are yours.." Harry trails off.

The two boys lean closer to eachother. Staring into eachother's eyes. Harry pouts and leans in even closer. He closes his eyes and they both melt into a kiss. Dougie closes his eyes as soon as their lips connect.

Shit! This feels good!

Harry thinks. Whereas, Dougie has a lot on his mind right now. A lot about Harry.

After about 20 seconds, the pull away from each other.

"That was.." Dougie stares deeply into Harry's eyes. "The best thing I've ever felt in my life!"

The two boys spend the rest of the day together. Making each other laugh, flirting with each other and kissing when no one was looking.

And that night, they both fell asleep with only one thing on their minds.


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