A Sweet Suprise

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This ones a bit corny hehe..
Not really any warnings apart from extreme cheesiness
Includes Charlie, Charlie, Charlie and mostly (yep you guessed it!) Charlie.
James and Matt are included too.
So this is for the Charlie girls and is also my first ever one shot I wrote in my notebook!

You're walking hurriedly to your next class, in school. Carefully avoiding all of the popular, obnoxious twats who only look out for themselves. So basically everyone. The bell rings and everyone speeds up. Laughing, shouting and the general 'lining up outside the classroom door banter' can be heard from all directions.

Walks to class like this can be lonely when your best friend is off school sick.

You turn the corner and into another corridor. But, further up the corridor is something which makes you freeze.

Your crush, or the whole school's crush, Charlie Simpson (what did I tell you?), is messing about with his two best mates, Matt Willis and James Bourne. His hair is all messed up, which looks hotter than ever, and his tie has been loosened from the kickabout against your class at lunchtime. Which, obviously, Charlie's team Won!

You put your head down and continue to speed walk to your next class. But you are suddenly knocked over and all of your books have been scattered all over the floor.

"OH MY GOD! I'M SO SORRY!" Charlie's deep voice booms across the corridor like a foghorn.

"I-it's alright!" You stutter, feeling your face going bright red and you can see that Charlie's all rosy cheeked from embarrassment.

"I'm actually so sorry! Here, let me help you out!" Charlie starts picking up all of your books. You get up, still very flustered about what has happened.

You go to grab your Spanish textbook but at the same time as you, Charlie grabs it as well. He looks down at you and smiles. You gaze into his beautiful, light brown puppy, dog eyes. He gently snatches the textbook of you and piles it on top of all your other books.

"Here you go!" He passes them over, grinning in the way that makes his teeth show. "Good luck for the rest of the day."

You giggle. "Thank you, and good luck to you too!"

Charlie goes all flushed again and looks away quickly. "uhh.. Thanks. B-bye!""he stutters, trying not to smile as he takes one last look at you before you part. He winks then turns and runs up to Matt and James.

You walk towards your next class when suddenly a white slip of paper falls out from underneath all of your books.

You quickly bend down to grab it and when you turn it over you smile because Charlie's left a note with a message and his phone number. The message says: "to the pretty girl who I met in the corridor- Y/N. Love Charlie xx."

You stuff it in your pocket and walk quickly but happily to your next class.

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