Hear me

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Hear me out that's all i ask of you. Why cant you just hear me out. I'm dying, I'm trying! I really am, why cant you just see that I'm begging you. Please just hear me out, don't give up on me. I love you...¡please hear me! ¿cant you see I'm dying? I'm trying mother, please accept me for who i really am. I'm not a rebel, I'm just being myself. Love me for who i am and not for what you want me to be. I can't keep on pretending i am what I'm not. Hear me out, see the world the way i do. Love me for everything i do. I'm trying to make you feel proud of me. I love you, i take care of you, i help you, i behave... ¿what else can i do for you!? All I'm asking of you is to hear me before i die... Its killing me, you are killing me, everything is.

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