Private Chat 2

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Private chat between Regina and Henry

Truestbeliever - Hey Mom I'm so sorry I didn't let you about Violet.
Mayormills - Oh, that's ok Henry...
Truestbeliever - no, no, it's not I should have told you I shouldn't have kept if from you I feel really bad now. The truth is me and Violet are boyfriend and girlfriend...
Mayormills - Henry I'm so happy for you, my little price is growing up!
Truestbeliever - Your not mad I didn't tell you?
Mayormills - of course not, I have to face the fact that your growing up now. Your not a little boy anymore.
Truestbeliever - Thanks mom, I love you!
Mayormills - I love you to my little pr... I mean my brave knight
Truestbeliever - lol thanks mom but I will always be your little prince... Right?
Mayormills - of course you can be my brave little prince! Lol
Truestbeliever - thanks mom love you. Wanna go to Granny's for hot cocoa with cinnamon?
Mayormills - sure! I will pick you up in 10 minutes.
Truestbeliever - Ok!
Mayormills has logged off
Truestbeliever has logged off

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