Poor People Pay the Most

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Contrary to popular belief, poor people pay the most for things in life. Yes people with money or rich people buy really expensive things just because they can but poor people struggle trying to pay for basic things. When you have to pick and choose every month which bills to pay and which ones to be late you understand.

For example, let's say this month you have to pay your rent ($1,400), car insurance ($175), car payment ($165), utilities bill ($300), Internet bill ($100), cell phone bill ($150), and go grocery shopping ($125) but you only got paid $2100. What are your priorities? Rent first because you need to make sure you have somewhere to live, $600 left. Utilities because you need to make sure you can cook, shower, wash clothes, and turn on the lights to see, $300 left. Car payment and insurance because if that gets repossessed you can't get to work to make more money, -$40. You ran out of money and you still haven't paid your Internet bill, cell phone bill, or went grocery shopping! Now you have late fees and a $35 overdraft fee on top of the original payments you haven't made yet.

The more you get behind on your payments the more late fees you have to pay with the money you don't have. If you can't pay the overdraft fee in time you'll have a late fee for your overdraft fee. It keeps adding up and before you know it, you're in debt and owe everyone money. 

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