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minkii: jimin?

jibooty: yea baby girl?

minkii: /cringes

minkii: don't ever do that again

jibooty: well okay den

jibooty: what's up?

minkii: what would you do if a girl likes you?

jibooty: i'll..... I'll say "yea i know"

jibooty: cuz girls ALWAYS falls for park jimin

jibooty: if she's my type i'll date her

jibooty: if I'm lucky we can fuck??

jibooty: why tho

minkii: nothing..

jibooty: ooOHH

jibooty: you like me?

minkii: yeah u wish hoe

jibooty: sUuUuRe

jibooty: i dont believe u

jibooty: /squints eyes

minkii: :(

minkii: why u always want to fuck girls

minkii: ya nasty

jibooty: bcs I'm horny af

jibooty: well most of the time

minkii: are you dehydrated? Because that sounds quite thirsty.

minkii: :)

jibooty: damn girl

jibooty: I am thirsty

jibooty: and I need u to quench my thirst ;)))))

minkii: ew

minkii: that's like so gross

jibooty: wanna get naked?

jibooty: we can send each other nudes ;)))

minkii: no thank u

minkii: I'd rather shred my eyes with an electric blender then seeing you naked

minkii: fo real

jibooty: oh I love how you dirty talk baby ;))))

jibooty: ur very dirty ;))))

jibooty: i am so turned on right now

jibooty: /moans

minkii: no pls

minkii: and I bet ur dick smol

minkii: step up ur dick game and I'll considered

jibooty: :(

jibooty: mine is big

jibooty: but what would you do if I have a small penis?

minkii: hmMmM

minkii: pretend I was having second thoughts about sex and then go home and text my friend so we can laugh about it.

minkii: :)

jibooty: but u don't have any friends

minkii: I dO!!!!!11!11

jibooty: who?

minkii: dONT QueStIOn mE!!!!

jibooty: I knew it

jibooty: u have none

jibooty: hA

jibooty: loser

minkii: :(

A/n: update this one bcs i think last chapter sucks so fogive me :)
oh should i make jimin and minkii meet each other?? or

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