At the Carneval

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It was a beautiful Friday in the little town you called your hometown. The sun was shining brightly while being high up in the crystal clear blue sky. There were few clouds at the sky and due to the rain that fell a few days ago the gras was shining in the rays of the sun.

It was indeed a beautiful day...

"Alright, please open your books on page 200."

...and of course the school had to ruin everything.

It was the usual boring class you had every friday, with the same boring teacher, the same boring lectures and the same annoying classmates. You were sure that you would have gone crazy a long time ago if your best friend Sam wasn't in the same class as you. The cheerful blonde boy always brought a smile to your lips.

Speaking about mentioned boy, he was currently trying to get your attention away from the window and back to the teacher in front of you two.

"Geez, (Y/N)! Listen to me when I talk about Hitman."



"Screw you."

Sam chuckled amused at your reaction. He knew that he could get your attention with this single word, and so he used it every single time he wanted you to pay attention. "You know you love me anyway~", Sam laughed when you still looked at him with that deadpanned look and winked at you with his brown orbs.

"Don't do that all the time, or at least talk about it later...", you mumbled annoyed, but looked ahead now anyway.

"Well, you could also just stop falling for it."

"Again; Screw you.", you grumbled out as Sam just laughed again. "C'mon, cheer up a bit! Look at the bright side: After this lesson you can go home and watch Hitman for the... hundreth time?", he asked you jokingly, making you roll your (e/c) eyes at him. "The hundreth and second, actually."





Blinking at your statement, Sam shook his head softly, expecting something like this from you if he was honest. However, when he saw you lost interest on the lesson again, he tapped your shoulder and grinned deviously at you. "What are you planning?", you asked, obviously knowing that it wouldn't be anything good.

The blonde, however, was more than sure to make you pay attention for the rest of the class with what was coming next.

"You still want some fan articles of Hitman, right?", he asked, leaning back in his seat slightly. Curiousity and excitement was clearly visible in your eyes. 'Got her.', Sam thought and grinned again. "I know a small shop at the carneval. It's open this evening. If you pay attention I'll show yo-"


~* Le Time Skippu to the Carneval *~

"Where is the shop?"

"Sam, enough rides already, show me the shop!"

"Blondie, I swear-"

"(Y/N); Calm. Down.", Sam groaned after two hours of walking around with you on the carneval. Of course, the shop was his bait for you, but he didn't think that you would be so annoying about it.

"I can't calm down! We're here since two hours and you didn't show me the shop for Hitman yet. Please, Sam, if you love me you'll show me now!", giving him the best puppy eyes you could muster, the brown eyed boy felt how he melted on the inside. Sighing and with his cheeks in a light red color, he agreed to lead you towards your beloved Hitman articles.

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