Chapter 4: The Warning

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Elena's p.o.v.

Me: Say something please!
Stefan: Sorry it's just alot to take in! But we believe you, right Damon?
Damon: Right!

All of a sudden i heard buzzing. It was my phone, i pulled it out out my pocket and looked to see why my phone went off. It was a message it read:

Little Wolf is coming with some news later! - Jake (one of your guys)

Katherine: Everything ok? Elena?
Me: Yeah just got a text from one of our guys, little wolf has information for us!
Katherine: Better be good!
Damon: Your guys?
Me: We have people that snoop around for us and gather up information for us.
Damon: Oh ok.

Three hours later

There was a knock at the door. I went to answer it and i heard Katherine come down, we went to the door and opened it to Little Wolf.

Katherine: It's about time!
Me: Come in little wolf.
Little Wolf: My name is Hayley not little wolf. I've told you that!
Me: Hayley, Little Wolf, it's all the same to me.
Me and Katherine: Now what's this news?

Hayley walked in and we all went and sat down in the living room.

Hayley: So i was doing so digging around, you know snooping and i found out something.
Katherine: What?
Hayley: Elijah and Klaus both know your in Mystic Falls and they're coming for you. But not together,  Elijah thinks Klaus is still looking for revenge, so Elijah is trying to get to you before Klaus does!
Me: He found us?
Hayley: Yes!
Katherine: Elena, we have to run!
Me: No I'm sick off running, come on Katherine. Remember my little secret i told the two of you about? Well if Klaus trys to hurt us then i can use that secret!
Hayley: Why are you being so vague about it?
Me: Because they're are two vampires upstairs, with vampire hearing and i know damn well they're listening!
Hayley: Well I have to get back to the others now. Good luck.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter. The secret will be revealed shortly i promise. Please: vote, comment and tell people to read this book. Please go and follow Elejah88 EpicElejah tammykay715 if you don't already. Thanks for all the support guys. Love you all. ~ Taina x

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