*******************CREDIT TO MY FRIEND, CAITLYN******************
Plot: PAINTBALL! The ten of you go paintballing and you are on a team with someone that ISNT your girlfriend/boyfriend. While waiting to be sent out to the playing field, you and your girlfriend/boyfriend make a deal. To get your side of the deal to win you have to last longer in the game then your girlfriend/boyfriend. Once sent out you have a five minute time span where you can hide and plan. NO BULLETS ALLOWED TO BE SHOT AT THIS TIME! Once the cannon sounds you may begin shooting anyone that isnt on your team. Last person standing, that team wins. So if one team mate dies but the other is the last standing, that team wins. ONLY FIVE BULLETS HAVE TO HIT YOU FOR YOU TO BE OUT.
Paintball teams:
Liam & Zayn's Girlfriend
Zayn & Liam's Girlfriend
Louis & Harry's Girlfriend
Harry & Niall's Girlfriend
Niall & Louis' Girlfriend