Harry/Girlfriend: (Girlfriend's Name) was recently in a car accident that gave her life trauma. She wakes up in the middle of the night crying and always dreams of what happened. Harry is (Girlfriend's Name)'s best friend and knows her better than anyone, so he lets her stay with him for a while. Whenever she wakes up crying, she goes into his room and cuddles with him so she can fall back asleep. whenever she cries she hugs him and he comforts her until she's okay. (Girlfriend's Name) becomes very clingy and doesn't want him to leave her. Harry adores all of this attention, and he gives it right back. Is (Girlfriend's Name) in love? Or does she just like all of the attention?
Louis/Gf: Louis and [G/F’s name] were at a party together, both were drunk off their asses and having a good time. A couple hours and a couple beers later, Louis and [G/F’s name] decided it was a good idea to drive home. The car was full of giggles and laughter from the two of them up until the point of which Louis swerved out of his lane and shifted into the opposite lane. They were both injured pretty bad, but the only thing Louis didn’t know..[G/F’s name] wasn’t wearing her seatbelt. Her head slammed on the dashboard and glass shattered everywhere. Next thing they knew, they were in the hospital. For the past few days Louis was in an induced coma because his brain started to swell. But he woke up soon after, luckily with no severe brain damage. He only had a few broken ribs, a broken arm, and a few gashes here and there. As for his girlfriend..She hasn’t woken up and little does he know that when the crash happened, glass has punctured her eardrums, causing her to go deaf. The doctor’s don’t recommend him staying in her room, but he doesn’t listen no matter what pain he was in, there he was, by her side, holding her hand, whispering things to her, even though she couldn’t hear them. [Start a few minutes before [G/F’s name] wakes up.]