Chapter 12

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'Your having Triplets! 'Said the doctor showing us three baby's on the screen.

'Wait that's three baby's right' asked Niall

'Yes Niall we are having three kids'

'HOLY FUCK' shouted Niall making the doctor jump

'Doc how long until I'm due?' I questioned him

'Id say your due around the middle of September' I looked at Niall that was near his birthday

'What a great present your getting ' I joked to Niall

'Yea ' said Niall worried

'It's gonna be alright but you need to call maura' (Maura is Nialls mother)

'Nicole call Derrick' (Nicoles dad) as Niall said this I picked up my phone as I scrolled through my contacts I noticed that there was some new ones so I read them

'Niall why did you put your bands numbers in my phone' I questioned him

'So you can always talk to someone'


'Hello Nicole , nice to hear from you why did you call' Derrick asked knowing that something was wrong from the sound of my voice

'Dad your going to be a Grandpa' I said my voice sounding shaky hoping for his approval , he had never met Niall but they have spoken over the phone

'Thats wonderful Nicole I can't wait but I must go Ash is coming over so I can fix is Tar'

'Ok cya dad love you' I said as I hang up the phone

'Nicole what the hell is a "tar" ' Niall questioned me I forgot we were the only family that said that

'Niall it's a Guitar' I said is face looking confused so I expanded what I was saying

'Well when I was little....I called it a that's what my family calls a Guitar'

'Oh Nicole you have a weird family' Niall said opening my door to the car

Childern ~A Niall Horan fanficWhere stories live. Discover now