Day Two

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Today, felt different than normal but don't know how to describe it but I ignored it and got dressed and ate. As I was eating first bell rung and I hurried to my first class and got in and sat down just in time before the last bell rung. The new kid comes in and the teacher introduces him and his name was Lutheran. He said that he would rather be called Luke instead. Then, Luke sit right by me. The teacher said talking about today's subject, blah, blah, blah, Pope Urban the second, blah, blah, take back the holy land. Luke leans over and whispers in my ear saying " What's your name beauty?" Then, leans back up straight. I whisper right saying my name is Kat. The teacher stops and looks at us and says is there anything you would like tell us Kat and stop flirting with the new kid he has not been here a day yet and your ready hitting on him. I got scared and embarrassed, I sunk to the bottom of my seat. I said really quietly more like a whisper nothing I was just telling him name. I felt like fluttershy when she gets scared. Class resumed to normal and It was not long before the class ended. As I was walking out the door Luke says "sorry about that Kat". I said "You almost got me in trouble." Luke said " You can't be mad at me forever." I said " Who says I'm mad." Luke asked "what's your next class?" I said " P.E. and yours?" Luke says " English, I guess I will see you at lunch, Bye." I said "Bye" I headed To P.E. and my best friend bow jumps out from the corner of the long and dreary halls. I screamed and fell back but luckily Lutheran caught me. I was puzzled on how Lutheran was here. I said Bow you scared me? Bow was smirking with proud. Then, I said Lutheran what are you doing here? Lutheran smiled and said well...... I was looking for my English class down the hall a little bit and then I heard you scream and saw you were going to fall I ran to catch you. I said oh, well how your English teacher? Lutheran said Mrs. Romero. Bow Sys She a b- and before bow could finish Interrupted and said she down the hall on the right. The one minute bell rung. I said I have to go sooo bye. Lutheran said thanks and I probably should go to class. Lutheran walked off to class. Bow and I started walking the opposite way. Bow said dang, he's hawt. And jokily she says I think he likes you. I blushed a little bit and said No, he does not. After class I went to third hour and I obvious of what was happening in math. Class was over before I knew it and now time for lunch. I walked in the lunch room and I started to feel dizzy and that I could fall. Lutheran came up behind me and held me from falling.  Turned around towards him and he was looking down at me. Few moments later he was like let go and said sorry didn't mean that, and walked off with some guy I knew pretty well. I turned around and walked towards my table and sat by bow. She nudged me on the shoulder and made that weird noise like I saw you with Luke so when your gonna date. I punched bow in the arm and said stop it in a joking way. 

Luke's P.O.V.

I'm sitting across the room with my new groups of friends and look over and see Kat and Bow laughing hysterically. I started to day dream about Kat under a big white Oak tree in a grassy field wearing a white laced dress with leather laced boots. Her hair is flowing through the wind. One of my friends elbowed me and said Stop dreaming lover boy and go talk to her. I got up and started to walk over to her. At the same time Kat and Bow get up and walk to the lunch line.  I run up to them and said hey. They got spooked but turned and said hey, how are you? Bow nudges kat in the side. I'm good can come get food with you guys? They yea sure. Then, Bow says I'm not hungry why don't you get some food? Bow walked off to their table. Kat were left standing there in silent for what seemed like forever. After awhile kay says " Where did you come from?" It was the question I was afraid of cause I come from a long line of witches. To keep my secret hidden I always told people I was from Miami, Florida, but she was different and I wanted to tell her the truth but I new I couldn't. So I told her " I'm from a small town."  She said "well.....were getting closer to the front of line." We got to the front and I got chicken nuggets. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2016 ⏰

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