Aaliyah is a sad, and lonley girl who doesn't put her full trust in anyone. Yet, strangly enough she still holds out hope for true love. When Leo, a shy, and mysterious boy gets stuck with Aaliyah he has a hard time keepin...
"Why? Why'd she hug me? Did she feel sorry for me? Was she just trying to get on my good side? Or maybe she just wanted to comfort me. But no one hugs a person they just met if they want to comfort them. They pat them on the back or just tell them it will be alright. Maybe she understood the pain. The pain of losing everything you love."
"She's so beutiful to. That smile oh it was so adorable--wait. What am I thinking. I can't just fall for a girl I only just met! This isn't a sappy love story! I've got to stop thinking about her. I can't get involved with this girl! I'll only hurt her, that's all I ever do! I'm dangerous. Even when she was hugging me I had the feeling...if it got to strong...damit. I'm not like them. I can't. I can't ever...
"Leo?" "Huh?",said Leo coming out of his day dream. "You alright?",said Kyros a friend of Aaliyahs. They were in math now. "What is he hiding, he is hiding something he has to be. He was in such deep thought just now. You only go into such deep thought when your thinking about something serious. Earlier he was lying so he has to be hiding something",thought Aaliyah with a small smile one her face to mask her thoughts.
"So Leo, do you play any sports? Are you in any clubs?" Asked Kyros. "Ah, no not really. I don't really do anything but read",replied Leo. "Your like Aaliyah then",said Kyros,"all she does is read." "I do other things to",said Aaliyah. "Ya but you read like alllll the time",said Kyros. "What's wrong with that?" Said Aaliyah annoyed. "Nothing I was just saying you read a lot",replied Kyros inocently. "Um, Aaliyah what do you read?" Asked Leo. "Huh?" Said Aaliyah suprised. "What's your favorite genre?" Said Leo. "I don't have a favorite I just read whatever looks interesting",replied Aaliyah. "So you just read whatever?" Said Leo questionably. "Ya. I just read the back of the book and if it sounds like something I like I'll read it",said Aaliyah.
"Your weird" said Leo. "Look who's talking" replied Aaliyah smartly. "Oooh watch out Leo Aaliyah can make some fiery comebacks",warned Kyros. "Oh really? I thought girls were only good for gossip",said Leo. "Well sorry I'm not the usual skank",said Aaliyah unhappily. "Whoa, hang on guys aren't you going a little to far there?" Said Kyros nervously. "Oh. Oh no. What am I doing?",thought Leo,"I'm losing it here. I've got to stop doing this. Why? Why do I have to go through this. I'm starting shit again. I'm such and asshole. Why can'tI stop?"
"Well are you going to say something or what?!" Said Aaliyah raging. "I'm sorry",replied Leo wimpering,"I'm really sorry." Leo got up with his head down and went to the teacher. He asked if he could go to the bathroom and left the room silently. Aaliyah was taken aback. "What's wrong with him? He's seems so Nice but then he turns into and dick. Is he bipolar? No. It's something else. But what?" Leo ran to the bathroom. He slammed the stall door shut behind him and locked it. He slide down the door and started to weep silently. If he had been alone oh how he would have wailed. He sat there for a long 20 minutes letting the tears sink down his cheeks. He hugged himself and buried his head in his arms.
Alone. Alone in pain and darkness. That's What He thought. He thought he was alone in the darkness but he was wrong. For the girl was standing right beside him. They were both caught in this deadly and unforgivable mindset together.
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