Part 1

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The Day I Met You

Y/N- Your Name

Sophia is just made up person

POV stands for Point of View


It was the beginning of the season where leaves turn orange, and drifted off to the distance. The new school year started tomorrow. My name is y/n, the typical kind of teenage girl, brown hair, brown eyes; and I would now be entering SM High School. For the past few years, I've isolated myself from the outer world. However, when I did indeed needed to join my classmates they never seem to understand me and would always leave me out. I have never really understood the concept of friendship; why are friends needed? Iq often felt like things worked out much better when I was alone. No one knew who I was or even knew I existed.

It's not like I never attempted to make friends... I tried. A lot of the times. One way or another they ignored me or just didn't understand me. I guess I could be blamed for this, since I talked very quietly. I have no confidence in myself. I'm afraid they wouldn't like me and bully me.

There is a boy in my Year who I looked up to; his name is Baekhyun. Baekhyun was one of the most popular boys in our entire school, all the younger, older students, and even the teachers' pay their respect every time they saw him. He was the chairperson in Student Council, the captain of the football and basketball team, and also the lead role in every drama performance. Every lunchtime, I would sit all by myself in the cafeteria, and when I looked up I would see Baekhyun surrounded by a group of friends. My aim was to become someone like him - outgoing, and having the ability to make lots of friends. There was also a mysterious side to him... Every time a girl confesses to him he would reject her without any reason.

Just like any other day I walked to school alone with my earphones in, to distance myself from what is happening around me. When I was walking down the road, someone suddenly bumped into me; in that moment it felt like a movie, everything became slow motion. I could feel the spine of this person hitting my back and all my books flew out of my hand and scattered all over the pavement. Quickly, I knelt down and tried to pick up all my books and quietly apologised. Not sure of what was happening, the stranger knelt down next to me and helped me pick up all my books and papers. I tried to keep my head down to hide from the embarrassment.

"I'm so sorry about that!" said the male stranger.

"No, it was my fault, I'm sorry." I replied quietly.

"Excuse me what? I didn't hear you. Wait a second! Aren't you Y/N from my class? exclaimed the stranger.

In shock that someone knew who I was, I slowly lifted my head to see who it was.

It was Baekhyun.

Out of everyone in the whole school, Baekhyun was one of the people I did not expect he would know me. I could feel the redness of my cheeks getting redder and redder; so I nodded and quickly ran to school. Thinking that I could avoid him and forget that situation for my entire life, I then realised that he was in my class. I hid in the toilet, trying to calm down after what had happened. When I entered the room, Baekhyun looked at me and we made eye contact for two whole seconds. I don't know why my eyes couldn't look somewhere else; they stayed there like a good little puppy told to sit. After our brief contact disconnected, I hastily walked to my seat, sat down, and buried my head into the books.

After period two, it was break and as I was about to stand up to go to the cafeteria Baekhyun walked towards me. I looked down to prevent awkward eye contact again.

"Hey Y/N, can I talk to you alone for second?" asked Baekhyun.

"Um... um... sure." I quietly muttered.

I could feel all the eyes around the classroom staring at us, as we were walked out the door. Once we left, I could almost hear people's whispering right through the door. I walked behind Baekhyun toward somewhere, and then suddenly he stopped.

"I'm sorry about this morning, are you hurt anywhere?" he questioned.

"No, I'm fine thank you..." I replied softly.

There was a brief moment of silence. We stood there in the middle of the hallways looking around trying not to make eye contact; every time we did we would quickly look away. That one minute felt like the longest moment of my life.

"Y/N, you have a lovely voice but maybe you should speak up more and raise your head. I don't see you participate in class much either, maybe I'll introduce you to some of my friends!" he said.

I didn't know what to say. All I could do was stare at him, in shock? Or in happiness? I tried saying yes, but the three-letter word just wouldn't come out of my mouth. I could see him waiting for me, I tried so hard but it just wouldn't come out. He smiled, as if he knew what I was going to say. He grabbed my hand and we ran back to the classroom. He opened the door and brought me to meet his friends. Everyone was staring at our hands that were joined together; quickly I let go of him trying to avoid making a scene.

"Y/N this is Chen, Kyungsoo, Chaneyeol, Xiumin, Suho, Lay, Kai, Sehun, +YOUR IRL BFF NAME... and that is everyone in our class." Baekhyun listed.

"Hi, my name is Y/N." I said.

I looked around, everyone had a friendly expression but also a surprised expression.

"We know who you are Y/N! You may be quiet but it's not like you are invisible!" joked Chen.

"We never really talked because we thought you liked being alone..." said Suho.

I couldn't believe my eyes and ears. People were talking to me. Is this the feeling of socialising? Are these people called friends? I wasn't sure what was going on. I couldn't thank Baekhyun enough. Because of what he did, it brought me into a whole new dimension.

From that day onwards, I began to talk to my classmates more and more, I also started to participate in class more often; but whenever I answered a question everyone would first look at me in shock then smile at me gracefully. Baekhyun would always wink at me or give me the thumbs up. Baekhyun and I became much closer; I got to know him better and better. I also found out that he lived on the street next to mine and we started walking to school together. From time to time, this tingly feeling inside of me got stronger and stronger when I was with him, but I didn't know what this meant.

It is now spring where flowers begin to bloom and blossom. *YOUR IRL BFF NAME* became one of my best friends; we would hang out with each other and talk to each other on a daily basis. Mary was the total opposite of me; she was tall, and since she has mixed parents, she has brown hair and green eyes. *YOUR IRL BFF NAME* often asked me if I was in love with Baekhyun since we were always together and got along so well. I would immediately tell her that it is not true, and that Baekhyun gets along with everyone well.

"Well do you ever have any tingly feeling when you are with him?" asked *YOUR IRL BFF NAME*.

"Maybe... yes, kind of? But that is because I respect him and idolise him... I think..." I wondered.

"Oh my! You are definitely in love with him! Don't deny it and tell him immediately!" exclaimed *YOUR IRL BFF NAME*.

I went home and flopped onto the bed. The words *YOUR IRL BFF NAME* said to me were stuck in my head. Was I really in love with him? Or is it just because I respect him? But that doesn't explain the tingly feelings inside me. Running through my head were thousands of questions unanswered. Should I ask him tomorrow? But what should I ask? In frustration all night long, I slowly drifted off to sleep.

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