Part 2

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Baekhyun POV

I woke up, brushed my teeth, changed into my uniform and went down stairs to eat some breakfast. I barely slept last night; I couldn't stop thinking of Y/N. Her smile, her brown hair, big brown eyes, and her soft cute voice. Every time she laughs, I can see a glow around her almost like an angel. Was I allowed to love her like I did with Sofia? No, I couldn't do this to Y/N. It would only hurt her if I tell her the truth... But I can't stop myself. I could feel my blood boiling, urging me to tell her that I have fallen in love with her. Without eating my breakfast I left my chair and ran over to her house, while knowing I might regret this I still have to do it.

I planned what I had to say, but also thought of the consequences. What if she doesn't love me back? What if I'm just too rushed? Should I tell her about Sofia? But I couldn't do this do Sofia... Walking back and forth across her front yard, Y/N came out of her house.

"Morning Baekhyun, why did you come all the way here? You could have just waited at the cross section like usual." she asked.

"Oh... um... well I had something I needed to tell you Y/N." I said.

Y/N had a look on her face, expecting me to tell her. But I just couldn't.

"Oh never mind! I forgot let's walk to school," I quickly muttered.

This morning walk was different to the other mornings. It was silent. Neither Y/N nor I said a single word. We walked to a crossroad where it was red, and we stood waiting. I took a deep breath and was ready to say it.

"Y/N I think—with you" I shouted.

"I'm sorry, what? I couldn't hear you, the truck that passed by was really loud." Y/N replied.

Did she really not hear what I said? My face turned instantly red and I looked away. Maybe it was fate that she couldn't hear me. We continued walking to school, but before we entered school grounds Y/N pulled me away. It was almost like she had something to say to me.

"Baekhyun. Please listen closely. I don't know what this feeling is, but every time I am with you I have a tingly feeling inside of me. Mary keeps telling me is it because I have fallen in love with you... but I just don't know. I've been—I'm so sorry to bring this up, I'm just so confused I've never had this feeling before..." Y/N mumbled.

I stared at her, not knowing what to say. Is this a confession? I've always rejected all the confessions... But Y/N was different to those other girls. But can I manage this? Should I tell her about Sofia? After days of gloominess, the sun shone right through the clouds and a cool breeze hit the trees. The birds came out from their nests and started chipping away. Maybe this is a sign for a new start. However I think I need to tell her about Sofia.

"Y/N. It's love. I'm sorry Y/N, but I don't know if I'm in love with you too..." I apologised.

Y/N kept her head down, whilst looking up from time to time seeming like she had a question.

"Baekhyun, I have a question. For past years, there have been so many rumours as to why you have rejected so many girls even though you liked them too." Y/N said.

I never knew people actually speculated about why I didn't accept girl's confessions. No one knew about what happened in my old school. When I entered this school, I tried to wipe my history clean and tried to forget about what had happened in the past. But it was too hard. This time in order for me to move on, maybe I need to reveal the truth.

I took her hand, but she immediately pulled away. I told her that I needed to take her somewhere in order for her to understand. So that day both of us skipped school and I took her to the Oldvale Cemetery.

"Wh-why are we here...?" Y/N asked in a shaky voice.

"Please trust me, if you want to know the answer." I replied steadily.

We walked deeper into the cemetery, where all the trees were dead and leaves lay scattered all on the floor. I turned around and saw that Y/N was trembling in fear. I took her hand once again, and brought her to the destination.

I took a deep breath and began to explain, "Y/N, this is Sofia. Sofia was a very pretty girl who I met in middle school. She was my first true love. We met on the first day of middle school and I knew instantly that she was the one. We would talk to each other about everything! And like you, we lived very close so I would walk to her house every morning to pick her up. Her parents were also very friendly and often invited me over for some tea. In second year of middle school, although we were very young, Sofia told me that she had fallen in love with me. Although we were still young, I accepted and we started dating. It was an amazing experience, and we dated for almost a year and a half. I knew that I was in love with her, no matter what people said I just knew I was deeply in love. In the last year of middle school something devastating happened to Sofia and her family. They were in a car accident. It was a rainy night and her father was driving, the car slipped off and they hit a rock. That night when I received a phone call from Sofia's aunt about the shocking news, I couldn't stop crying. I cried all day all night, skipping school and skipping meals. I just couldn't get a hold of myself."

At this moment I looked up at Y/N, she was bawling. She leaped onto me and gave me a hug. I couldn't resist and I also started crying onto her shoulder. All the memories that I had with Sofia came back and I just couldn't stop.

"I'm so sorry you had that tragic past Baekhyun. I never knew." Y/N said while crying.

"No, it's my fault for not telling anyone," I replied.

"Baekhyun. You need to move on, and I will be here with you every step you make. I will be here waiting for you, waiting for when you to fall in love of me and have moved on from Sofia. I know it will be a hard process, but if you want to move forward in life this is what you need to do." Y/N fiercely said.

I was in shocked. I have never heard Y/N speak so fiercely and confidently. She was right - I needed to move on.

"Y/N, thank you, and please wait for me." I asked.

Whilst our tears were slowly dripping onto the floor, our cheeks began to blush bright red like a newly plucked apple. We walked back to school in time for period three. I was so glad I was able to get it off my chest and tell someone the truth. What Y/N said to me would always be in the back of my mind, drifting around. I knew she was waiting for me, and I knew she will give me time.

For the next few weeks, everything was as normal as before. Y/N and my relationship got deeper and deeper since it was easier to open up to each other. Sometimes when we walked home, we would walk by a park where they sold ice cream. I got the chocolate and she got the strawberry one. Everything felt easier and lighter after I told her the truth.

One day after school, Y/N and I decided to walk through the park and take the long way home. We were walking on a pathway where cherry blossoms were on the side and sprinkled everywhere onto the floor. Each small petal would glide down from the tree onto the floor. It was beautiful. I turned to look at Y/N, that is when it hit me. Y/N had the angelic glow and this time it was even more emphasized with the beautiful petal gliding down next to her. She looked like an angel. After all this time I had finally fallen deeply in love with Y/N.

I grabbed her arm and full of confidence and energy I proclaimed, "I have fallen in love with you Y/N."

At first she was surprised but then it slowly became a gentle smile and she replied, "Thank you, I love you too." 

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