Olivia Houston

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Olivia Houston POV

Percy Jackson will be mine.

I mean, it's meant to be. The hottest boy at school and the hottest girl in school always date and seeing as this is me and him it has got to happen. Percy only joined a week ago but he already kicked Chad Dabney, my ex-boyfriend, out of the top spot. Shame about having to dump Chad, he was one of the better ones, handsome, never answered back and not to bright. Perfect!

Anyway, back to Percy. He had turned down every girl who had asked him out so far saying he had a 'girlfriend'. Yeah, right, I know he just said that to let them down easy. He doesn't have the heart to tell them that they are way out of his league, my boyfriend is so sweet!

Percy and me have Science together today and I'm going to ask him out straight after that. Plus my girls are in that class too and it's always great to have backup, even when you know what is going to happen.

Okay, Science lesson ending in 3... 2... 1... Finally! Goodbye boring lesson and hello new boyfriend!

I walk up to Percy in the flirtatious way that makes all the boys drool and tap him on the shoulder.

"Hi Percy!" I beam at him, stretching out my 'i'.

"Oh, uh, hi, um. Sorry, what's your name again?" He asks. What?! How can he not know the name of his girlfriend!?

"Olivia." I supply, still beaming, for Percy's sake. I hear someone behind me laughing; I turn around and glare at my so called 'friend'. She is so out of the group.

"Yes. Olivia, I knew that." Says Percy flustered. He is even hotter up close!

I carry on with my plan, ignoring the little blip from Percy. "My parents are out of town for a week and I've got nothing to do tomorrow so I was wondering if you would like to come over."

He frowns and starts to say something but I interrupt.

"You could even stay the night."

He frowns at me more. "I already have a girlfriend, Olivia." Did he just the girlfriend excuse on me? I can hear that backstabbing friend laughing again. Oh no Percy Jackson you are going to pay for that.

"Really? No one has ever seen her and I'd hate for you to miss something because of her– or someone." I purr.

He is positively scowling now but somehow still so hot! He pulls out his phone and hands it to me. (Leo made monster proof phones) On his lock screen there is a picture of a girl with wavy blonde hair, no make-up on and startling grey eyes. She looks like your typical California girl and could easily be and model.

"That's Annabeth, my girlfriend."

His eyes start to sparkle when he says her name but stop when he looks back down at me. For a moment I'm surprised but then I realise that this girl 'Annabeth' could not possibly be real. She is way too perfect. Percy Jackson in love with a made up character, what a weirdo. (Fangirls crying in the distance)

"Yeah, sure and I'm not popular." I laugh. "Look Percy, I know you like me so let's skip the talking and get to the important stuff." I say edging closer.

Percy put his backpack over his shoulder and starts to walk away but I follow him, I've done this all before. I catch him up before he gets out of the classroom and corner him.

Just then his phone beeps, I don't see the full text but I do catch the name 'Wise Girl'. I wonder who that could be. Obviously someone important because after reading the text he pushes past me and my friends muttering something about "monsters" and "leaving him alone". I really don't know.

Of course, I try to follow him. We could still hook up Percy just got a little... sidetracked. That's all! I just about see him as he turns a corner. It looks like he's trying to leave school. He can't do that it's the middle of the day! Like I thought Percy runs straight out the school gates and joins a girl beating up some chickens (I read it in a head canon). What the hell does he think he's doing? Then OMG you'd never guess. She KISSES him!!! Oh no new girl, crazy or not, get of my boy. I start jogging up to them to tell her so, very loudly, preferably with a lot of shouting but before I can I see the girl properly for the first time. It's the girl that Percy showed me a picture of. Annabeth. His girlfriend. I am still running after them, why should the small fact of them possibly being in a relationship mean we can't be together? But before I can they jump into a white 'Delphi's Strawberry's' van and are gone. Well. That happened. I faintly hear the bell ring and slowly walk back inside.

I never see Percy or the girl ever again.

Soo reading that back it seems shorter and not as good but whatever, hope you liked!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2016 ⏰

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