The voyage started with a storm. Three days ago I, Captain Wolfgang, set out on a voyage looking for treasure. There has always been a love for adventure in my heart, and, when I dug up an old treasure map hidden under the floor boards in a dead sea man's room, my dream was granted.
The day of the voyage I, with my vast wealth, bought a ship and a crew. My hearty crew consisted of, but was not limited to, me, Mate Matt, Dr. Frost, and the cabin boy, William. For a first mate, however, I chose officer DeFoe, one of the hardest sailors around. Dr. Frost, on the other hand, was a mild mannered, joyful little man who had been good friends with me since my father died and left me with nothing but a million dollars. He was my doctor, and friend, through those hard times.
The first day of sailing was calm and easy. Steering was nice on my part because my first mate, the doctor, and I worked together quite well. However, once I saw the poor cabin boy left out I decided to let him rename the ship. Because it his silly answer, The S.S. Peanut, the whole crew began laughing to death. The ships name was quickly change from Frost's "The Isle of Adventure" to The SS Peanut. However, all good things must come to an end, and only oneday after the adventure began we were hit with storm. Thanks to the speediness of DeFoe, and the wits of the doctor and I, we smoothly sailed through the night storm.
Captain Wolfgang and the Misadventures of the S.S. Peanut (a pirate comedy)
Historical FictionWhen an unexperienced captain finds a treasure map, what do you get? Adventure! Follow the adventures of Captain Wolfgang, Officer DeFoe, Doctor Frost, Mate Matt, and the cabin boy, William, in their comical quest for gold!