Money Talks

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Warning- Strong language, and some triggers
Ps- has not been edited so sorry if there are any mistakes.

Sanji pov

"We won't be able to keep this place open for another 3 months at this rate. We need to make some tough choices and fast." My boss growled at us. I work at a tattoo parlor, and business has not been booming lately. Us artist, Law, Kid, and I, have constantly been getting into fights with each other which, in turn, scares away customers. He would dare fire us thought because, well, no one else would want to work for this son of a gun.

He is the definition of stuck up. His name even sounds that way, Doflamingo, or at least that's what we call him. He has tall and dressed like a old fashion pimp. He even sat in his chair with his feet up on his desk like one. It was a scene straight out of the grandfather or something. This place has a great reputation, but it's not for the weak hearted. No pain. No game. Right? We all had our specialties.

Law was know for his black ink skills for abstract shapes and lettering. People looking for a tattoo from him would often refer to him as 'Death fingers' because the word 'Death' was inked across his knuckles. He didn't really talk much.

On the other hand, Kid could not shut up, but he was good at his job so who cares. His  skill was badass animal and metal art. He could ink  anything from a roaring lion to cyborg like gears on someone's ankle. "Tiki" was his nickname since he had wild hair that lashed out every which way. Just like a fire that's on top of a tiki. Only us guys called him that though. I fear for the life of a stranger who dares.

Last but not least, me. I'd like to think that I'm the lady's man. I love to do pin-up girls, flowers, and anything sentimental. I just went with my normal name 'Sanji' it seemed to make the ladies more comfortable. Also, I could convince any pretty women to get a tat.

Even thought I wasn't really into women, but that's another story. Kinda.... But no one knew.

Kid instantly busted out laughing, and quickly calmed down. "Why don't we just rob that stupid flower shop across the street. The old man would never see it coming."

We all chuckled at that.

"Shit, he sells flowers. How gay is that?!" Kid roared back in to laugh. "He couldn't do anything against us, even if he tried."

"Tomorrow night we'll act. I'll bring a gun just in case." stated Law, and we all noded in unison.

Doflamingo puffed out cigarette smoked and stood with a toothy grin, "Good Luck."

We all began to take our leave.

"Wait Sanji. Stay." He demanded. Of course, I did as I was told, and I stood there in silence as the other 2 left.

"Is something bothering you?"grinned D.

I shoke my head. "No." as I shoved my hands in my pockets.

"Good. Leave."

I happily did as I was told.

But by the time I locked up and left it was raining. Great. The truth is this only made what was bothering me worse.


"Faggot!" yelled a kid as he laid another kick to my fragile body.

"Loser!" Laughed another one as they laid blows together.

"I bet you lick big dick!" Snickered a girl and the pointed and joined in.

It was like this every day. I woke up, got dressed, walked to school, got bullied, went home, cried, and slept. But today was a better day. At least I could guard my face, and no one was spitting on me yet.

'Oops. I spoke to soon.'
I was thankful it ended with that. I would definitely have bruises, but none visable. I struggled to my feet, and collected my stuff. Water fell on to my shoulder. A waterfall followed it.

I quickly unfolded my glasses and slipped them on. I don't know why because they had been cracked for weeks. Plus I looked even worse with them on. Looking up at the gray sky, I felt a shard of something vile grow in my heart. It was the same gray sky I always saw. I couldn't see color because ' it's a gift of true love'.

I had always believed that. I decided I wouldn't walk home today. I wondered around, cold and lonely, until I saw a pretty inviting swing set in a park. I swung there like I did as a kid.

End of Flash back.

I was still standing in the ran under my umbrella. I didn't have flashbacks like I used to, but, when they come it's unstoppable, I just let go a zone in. No matter how painful I don't stop them. Plus, they are lessons.

I live in a black and white world, and have black and white thoughts, and one day I'll leave and go to a black and white heaven or hell.
I don't care either way. What happens, happens. But, there is a painful beauty in the past, including my past, and no matter how many grey, salty teas roll down my off-white cheeks, I'll smile because just being alive.
It's pretty great.

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