1: Annie

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~ Annie's P.O.V ~

Stupid kids look at me when I walk by in the hallway. I fucking hate school and everybody here other than my only friend, Ymir.

I think to myself that my leather jacket, white tank-top, black skinny jeans, and black combat boots must be very distracting.

I know I'm wrong. Everyone looks at me because I'm the tough kid of the school. Some people have even called me 'The Queen of Pain' because I beat so many people up.

I only do it so I don't have to think about the one reason I still go to this shithole of a school: Armin.

"Yo! Annie!" A familiar voice yells behind me. I spin on my heels to look behind me.

Ymir is a few feet behind me and is wearing the same outfit I am.

People say that Ymir and I are the bullies of the school but the Preps are worse than us. They bully everyone but the stupid kids let them because it's 'cool' to be noticed in any way by the 'popular' kids.

"Sup, Ymir" I said.

She finally caught up with me so I resumed walking.

"Did ya hear about Eren and Armin?" Ymir asked.

Eren and Armin are two of the five main male Preps at our lovely high school. Mikasa, Krista, and Sasha are the three main girl Preps.

"No. Why should I give a damn?" I ask.

"They got in a fight, Ann. Something like this has never happened before" Ymir said.

"Cool, two Preps got in a fight. Why should I care, Ymir?" I asked, getting annoyed.

"Now you can talk to Armin, like alone" She said.

Quick explanation, I had a huge crush on Armin last year and I never got a chance to talk to him because of him and Eren being practically glued together.

"I don't even have a crush on him anymore" I said.

"You're blushin', Ann" Ymir said.

"Whatever" I grumbled.

"Isn't he in your homeroom?" Ymir asked.

"How should I know?" I said.

"Because you should know who's in your homeroom" Ymir mumbled.

We were at Ymir's homeroom so she waved and entered. She has homeroom with two other Preps, Jean and Marco, and a girl who isn't fully Prep named Sasha. She's dating Connie, who is a Prep.

I quietly walked to my homeroom. I got to my homeroom a minute before the bell rings.I sat down in my seat and realized that Armin is sitting in the desk in front of me.

"Armin!" A girl exclaimed. It was the number one Prep, Krista.

She and Armin dated a few years back but now they're just close friends. Ymir has the biggest crush on Krista and it's the cutest thing ever.

"Hey, Krista" Armin said.

"Did you and Eren really get in a fight?" She asked.

"People know already, huh" Armin pondered.

The teacher began to take attendance so they both shut up. The teacher is a short man who makes us call him Mr. Levi.

"Armin Arlert!" Mr. Levi said.

"Here!" Armin exclaimed.

Mr. Levi went through attendance normally.

"Annie Leonhardt!" He said.

"Here" I said.

He continued attendance until we were dismissed for 1st period.

My 1st-period class is Gym. We're doing a Basketball unit right now, fun. I grabbed my Gym bag from my locker and headed to class.

That's when Armin bumped into me. Everyone in the hall stopped talking. They expected me to punch him in the face.

"Watch it, asshole" I snapped.

I rushed off in the direction of the Gym. Of course, Armin followed me probably because he also has Gym this period. He grabbed my arm when we were just outside of the Gym and he made me face him.

"Please don't call me an asshole" He said.

"Let go of me" I said.

He immediately let go of my arm. He looked sad about something. It must be my fault, now I'm fucking sad.

"Sorry, about that" Armin said.

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