Same Old Malak

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Lauren pov

Ive been home for like 3 days and guess who's back? No not Javion, Samiya!! I'm so happy, yeet.

I have been mainly at the hospital, Kendrick gets to come home tonight. Malak doesn't know, I'm gonna stay at my dad's for the night and then surprise him in the morning.

"bye Malak" I said walking out. He waved but turned his attention back onto Samiya. Prodigy is taking me to the hospital. Everyone is gonna spend the night at my dad's. I begged Malak to come spend the night with me and the baby. He turned me down like 100 times. Its cool though.

"hey sissy" Ciara said from the back. "heyyy" I replied. "hey boys" I said to Roc and Ray. They said their wussups. "where Kendrick gonna sit?" I asked. "the other niggas drove so when we get there Ray getting out and before you ask, yes I brought the car seat" Prodigy said smiling.


"aye turn the music down before you blow my nephew brains out" Prodigy said walking to the car with Kendrick in the car seat. I asked him to go get him, my stomach and legs hurt. "he look just like Malak" Ciara said helping Prodigy strap him in. "i know..." I said cheerful.


"hey Lauren" the boys said. Boys: roc, ray, prince, and Jaden. "hey" I replied. "hey baby girl" My mom said. I waved. My dad came downstairs and everything got quiet. "wheres that boy?" He asked. "does it look like hes here?" I asked looking around. "aye! I didn't have to let you stay over" he said. "correction you asked me too" I said setting Kendrick down on the table. "well whats its name?" Avaion asked. "Its name is Kendrick Xzavier Jones-Watson" I said smiling. "that's adorable" Cindy said hugging me. I picked Kendrick up. He was freezing. I wrapped his blanket around him. "stop watching me" I said making a face, they laughed.


"you got bottles?" That was my mother's 10,000th question "yes mother" She nodded and left.

Before I laid down I took a picture of us together.

@laurenolondon : Welcome home baby boy!! :)

@offclmalakwatson : yo! wtf? where are you?!

I got off of Instagram and went onto kik.

babylauren : I'm at my dad's...

lightskinpapi : and you didn't want me there ?

babylauren : didn't I beg you to come to the hospital with me? huh?

lightskinpapi : man, whatever fuck you

babylauren : get off ya period malak and GROW UP! I was gonna surprise your ungrateful ass but nvm

lightskinpapi : aye look, I'm sorry...

babylauren : nah.. fuck me remember

lightskinpapi : come on baby, please

babylauren : baby? nah, I'm not your baby, gn your son is tired

I threw my phone and looked at Kendrick. He looked so much like malak they could be identical. I smiled and laid down.

- 6 am

I woke up to a slight cry. I looked at the clock and it was 6. He slept good, figures because he's a new born still. I picked him up and rocked him so he would calm down. I walked downstairs and made him a bottle.

"why him crying?" I asked giving him a bottle and lightly rocking him. "whats wrong with him? him hungry? yea him hungry" he looked at me like I was crazy, smiled a little and closed his eyes.

"mother of the year" Prodigy said as him and the guys walked into the kitchen. "oh I forgot yall slept downstairs, I'm sorry" I said mentally smacking myself in the head. "you good" Jaden said.

"when Noah get here?" I asked looking at a sleeping Noah on the couch. "at first he didn't come cuz he didn't wanna sit in the middle, then we was like its boring without him so his mom brought him" Prodigy said. I nodded. "what yall doing up anyway?" I asked sitting on the counter. "we aint never been the sleep, Noah and Prince went to sleep early" Ray said quietly laughing. I smiled.

When Kendrick was done eating I sat his bottle down on the counter. I looked at Prodigy and handed Kendrick to him. "aye whats good nephew?" He said. "you know how to burp him, right?" I asked. "i aint stupid" he said. He put him over his shoulder and lightly patted his back. I took a picture. "always taking pictures" Jaden said. "i know you not talking" I said making everyone laugh.

When Kendrick finally burped I took him upstairs. I laid him down on his back and covered him up. I posted the picture I took of Prodigy and the other boys.

@laurenolondon : Look at him !! being an uncle @thatniggaprod w/ the other uncles @jadendrosa @roc.royal @raythefuture

I smiled at the heart comments and ignored the mean ones. "you got 1,000 likes Ken" I said. He was sleep though. I felt his pamper and it was soaked. I tried changing him without waking him but he cried. I went to get a pamper off the nightstand and Kendrick is peeing on me. "stop peeing! my mouth is open!" I yelled covering him up. I finally got the pamper on and picked Kendrick up. I walked downstairs and the boys were sleep. "damn" I groaned. I walked upstairs and Ciara was sleep in the guest with Mom, Avaion must of left. I felt someone behind me and turned around. It was my dad. "why are you wet? and you smell like pee" He said stating the obvious. "thanks captain obvious" I rolled my eyes and started walking to my room. "hey dad, could you watch Kendrick?" I asked. "no, your the one who had him, I didn't tell you too" He said walking downstairs. "i just wanted to take a fucking shower" I said so he could hear me. "watch your mouth" He said. "whatever" I rolled my eyes and slammed my door. Luckily Kendrick didn't cry, he just jumped.

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