Chapter 25: It Smells Weird

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Chapter 25: It Smells Weird 

Rolling over in the morning I stretched my tightened limbs and ended up smacking something. "Ouch!" We both cried out at the same time. I cupped my hand and looked at Ace to see if he was okay and saw him clutching his eye.

"You just punched me in the eye!" He cried out and I couldn't help but laugh as I crawled onto his stomach and tried prying his hand from his eye. "Let. Me. See." I groaned out as I was struggling to pull his hand away and his grip only tightened.

"Never! You abusive woman!" I laughed and finally he let me pull his hand away from his eye and he smiled up at me and I rolled my eyes. "You're fine." It was his turn to roll his eyes and I smiled down at him taking in the light freckles that danced under his eyes and across the bridge of his nose.

He reached up and brushed back some of my, no doubt, nappy hair, behind my ear and scanned over my face. "You are absolutely breathtaking." I know, this is about to seem lame as shit, but my breath hitched and came out in ragged breaths as he leaned foreword and pressed his lips against mine.

"That will never get tiring." He breathed once we pulled apart and I grinned. "So, I take it I'm forgiven for accidentally hitting you in the face when I was stretching?" I made sure to emphasize the words that meant the most and he grinned wider, if that were even possible.

"Not even close." I sighed shaking my head and he laughed as he hugged my naked body tightly against his and I rested my head on his chest, letting my fingers dance across his pecks. He exhaled sharply and continued to play with my hair.

His heartbeat continued at an abnormal pace as I continued to trace my fingers on his skin, creating goosebumps to arrive across his skin in my fingers wake. He grabbed my hand after awhile and tangled our fingers together.

"You're hands are so cold." He chuckled as he continued to play with our intertwined hands. I grinned and moved my wrist really fast and he caught my hand in his again and we continued to mess around like that. I moved my hand really quickly and a smacking sound echoed throughout the room and my jaw was hung open as I looked up at Ace.

He glared at me, "Really?!" He cried out and I started laughing out of nerves. "Ace, I am so sorry." He shook his head and held his eye with his hand. I moved to look at it but he turned away from me.

"Just let me see it!" I cried out in annoyance and I finally pried his hands away. Again. Crawling more up on his body, I hitched my leg over his torso and propped my arms on his chest, pressing mine against his and looking at it. 

"Oh, you're fine." I rolled my eyes and he glared but then smirked at me. "You know, you're very abusive, and we might just have to punish you for that." I laughed, "Oh yeah?" I raised my eyebrow and he bit his lip, leaning up and rolling us over.

"Mhmm." He hummed as he kissed my neck, collarbone and over my breast. He pulled up the covers and ducked his head under as he continued down my stomach and my breath caught with the sudden pleasures coursing through me. He made it down and hitched my legs up and kissed on either side of my thighs, causing me to lean back with a moan. 

He finally pressed a kiss to my core, causing my body to throb with the pleasures. I roll my head back on the pillow, pushing into it more and gripping his sheets. As he continued on with giving my body pleasure, a loud bang made me jump up and grip the covers closer to my chest.

"Where's A-" He cut off as he took in my position and then smirked. "He's under the covers right?" He already knew the answer and started laughing to himself. "So you guys like, together now?" 

"Jake, get the fuck out." Ace yelled perplexed and Jake snickered. "Oh, Ace so nice of you to join the conversation." The blankets moved and I kept them tightened as Ace pulled them. "Ace!" I scolded as he tried to get out from the bottom of the blankets, causing a slip. I looked at Jake wide-eyed. 

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