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Kiin's POV

After my embarrassing encounter with Nate I haven't seen him in 2 days

I mean I've seen him but haven't talked to him in 2 days

I've seen about 3 girls coming in and out of his house in these two days

He's disgusting, but he's hot.

But he was the first person to actually make a move on me, he wasn't my first kiss but I still kind of wish he wasn't a fuckboy

Then that'd make our somewhat situation better I guess

It's 6:30 am my mom was shouting from downstairs to get up and get ready

I groaned and threw my head back

I started drifting back to sleep until my phone started going off it was the alarm

Someone kill me please

I groaned which seemed like the 100th time and rolled out of my bed

I yawned and headed towards the bathroom at the end of the hallway

No one was in there this morning, my brothers usually take up the bathroom

I don't understand why they sleep over here sometimes I mean they go to college and those sleep in dorms I'm speaking of y'all

I opened the door and saw myself in the mirror my face shifted into a disgust look

My hair was a mess, some were sticking out in all different angles

I had some crusty eye burgers, and my breath smelled like dog shit

I started washing my face first and brushed my teeth after

I was so tired I was gonna break down crying to my mom hoping she wouldn't let me go to school

After finishing up my stuff I got into the shower and let the hot water drizzle on me

I could stay in here forever, but the hot water would run out

I hate life so much.

Am I depressed? I constantly think that 24/8

After my shower I got out and was shouting from the bathroom to my mom to get me a towel because I forgot mines

After 3 minutes I couldn't wait I opened the door and looked around to see if anyone was there

No one.

I ran as fast as these legs could carry me the wind hitting me in some areas

I closed my door quickly and got my towel and dried myself

My hair was still wet i let it dry by its self

I slid on my grey underwear that has white lace all around the head of it

I got it for like 3 dollars at Pink in their holiday sale

I put on a regular white tee shirt, I examined myself in my mirror and took a quick selfie and posted it on Instagram

"I'm a whore sue me" I put as the caption and turned off my phone

Don't ask why I put that as the caption.

I'm pretty sure my followers have gotten used to my dumbass captions.

I put on some black tight jeans and shifted my hair into a ponytail and put on my converse that were lying near my bed

I sprayed on some Ariana grande perfume I bought a while back

I got my phone and my charger and my headphones and headed downstairs

I looked at the time it was 8:15 shit I'm late.

Ugh I hate when I walk into class and everyone looks at me

I remembered that I have gym and forgot my gym clothes and ran back up stairs and went into my room

I found my clothes spattered all on the floor I picked them up and stuffed them into my h&m plastic bag I got from shopping there

I ran back downstairs, I'm so tired I'm gonna collapse

"You're late and I'm not driving you" My mom says sternly, I roll my eyes and stuck some bacon in my mouth and kissed my moms cheek

"Bye mom" I say waving at her and running out of the door

I put my headphones and started playing the album Made in the A.M.

The song drag me down started playing and I was walking down the street like a crazy woman

got fire for a heart
I'm not scared of the dark
You've never seen it look so easy
I got a river for a soul
And baby you're a boat
Baby you're my only reason

I think Niall's part is my literal fav, but I'm dying inside because of their break

I started singing off key again, looking around me to see if there's anyone listening


After my 15 minute walk to the school I was in the locker room even when we're not allowed there after the bell has rung

I changed into my clothes and I had all my stuff in my locker like my binder and etc

After my walk thru the gym room I went out the door and headed outside towards the field

The nice warm breeze was all I could feel, I could stay and lie on the grass all day

Or bring a blanket it's super itchy

I got to the field and started jogging with the other people so the teacher doesn't call me out

I could hear someone running behind me panting, I turn around to see Nate

Without a shirt

Fuck .

I've been staring too long and could see him smirking

"I missed you princess" He says slowing down and starts jogging at the same pace as me

I got closer to his ear and whispered

"I missed you too daddy" I say smirking on his ear I could hear him groan a little

Before he can reply I start running

"NOT" I yell out to him

Ah oh how I love annoying people, I should get paid for this.

Hey y'all sorry for making you guys wait for 2 days for me to update, I know this story is super boring & nothing interesting is happening

Just wait.

Thank you thank you peace out bitches.


Daddy ✧ NATE MALOLEYWhere stories live. Discover now