14 0 0

Here we go. The concert is starting.
The music starts playing and loud screams are heard al around me. Gill had showed me all their songs this past week, so I know what they sing. A countdown starts. Wow start from 60. Just torture these girls and boys, I tell ya.
30.. Gill hugs me tight and she jumps up and down screaming.
15. I'm almost going to see the love of my life again.
5. Gill screams louder with the rest of the stadium. The lights start flashing and all of a sudden..its pitch black.
The screams are louder. Gill grabs my hand as we all see 4 shadows make their way up through the stage. One body catches my attention. I grab onto Gill as well. We interlock our fingers together and scream. I decided to have some fun. I'm a free person now. Time to make the most of it.

The music starts playing and their voices ring in the stadium. Gill looks like she's extremely happy. I will just let loose. Enjoy my time here with my new friend.
I dance around with Gill even though I don't have the lyrics memorized yet. The songs are really good though. Gill and I haven't let each other go; we still have our fingers interlocked as we dance around. I pull out my phone and take a picture of Niall as the long haired member is talking. I'm not really paying attention to him. I zoom in on Niall as he looks in the general direction of me and I snap the picture. I quickly send it to Maura saying: "I found my leprechaun. Just waiting for him to find his princess <3 xx" and i click send. She immediately responded with a wink. I put my phone back in my pocket and watch the show with my best friend.

It's around the song Little Things, I think that's what they said, that Niall looks towards Gill and I. Niall makes direct eye contact with me as he is singing his part of the song.
"You'll never love yourself half as much as I love you. And you'll never treat yourself right darling but I want you to. If I let you know I'm here for you. Maybe you'll love yourself like I love you, Oh.." I drop Gill's hand and collapse into the chair behind me sobbing. The boy I have loved for ages is in front of me doing what he has always wanted to do. I couldn't be more proud. I miss Niall more than I should.

I cry until I hear the music and screams die down. "Ev come on. It's time to go backstage." I hear Gill tell me as she rubs my back. I stand up and she takes my hand and we walk together backstage. Together we walked backstage and immediately I see a familiar blonde head.
Gill walks up to the boys and hugs all of them. She hits it off it well with Harry. I smile as I stand off to the side watching. Liam walks over to me.

"Hey love are you okay?" He puts a hand on my shoulder looking at me genuinely concerned.

"I- uh- yeah I'm okay..it's just..." I look into his eyes and pull him more away from everyone. Can I trust him enough? I mean he is friends with Niall.. Okay. Let's do this.
I spill everything to Liam. From the day I moved to Ireland until right now. He listens and nods occasionally. He pulls me in for a hug.
"I'm so sorry love. Niall's felt the same way actually. Your name is-"

"Eveana!" Gill calls to me until she sees the tears streaming down my face.
"Okay I've had enough of this nonsense." She takes my hand and drags towards Niall.

"No Gill! Stop! STOP!!!" I scream and every head, I mean EVERY head turns to look at me. All the boys, security, management, crew workers. Niall.

"Ev..." He slowly starts walking towards me. I look to Gill for help but I look everywhere and everyone is gone. Gone.
"Ev." He says again. "A-are you okay? You've been standing here crying for 5 minutes."

I blink my eyes and shake my head.
"What? Oh fuck sorry. Uhm hi.." I look down.

"Ev we have to talk."

"No shit Sherlock. After you fucking left me."

"Eveana listen to-"

"Niall, you don't know what I've had to go through. You stopped texting. You stopped calling. You said you'd never leave me. But you did. And you took my entire heart with you! You don't know what I've had to go through! I watched you through a TV screen in your mothers house for years!!"

"You were with my mother?"

"Shit...I uh no" shit. I told Maura I'd never tell anyone.


"I-...after I went the orphanage. I was outside and I saw Greg..I saw him walk into your house. And I followed. And I was there when you were. But I was hiding."

"Ev. Why didn't you ever come talk to me?"

"I was scared you would have left me again. Niall I was raped nearly everyday in that stupid orphanage. I was beaten. Beaten to the point where I ended up beating up myself. Niall I fell in love with you. Hard. And I haven't fallen out yet. If anything I'm falling deeper in love. I love you Niall. I don't care if you don't love me back. Ive had to live on my own until Gill and her family adopted me. Even then I couldn't open up to her. But when I saw your face on her wall everywhere, I knew I'd have to trust her. Once again, comes back to you." I somehow inched closer with every word. And now I'm standing right at his chest.

"Eveana. I love you. I never wanted to stop contacting you. Management made me. I had no choice. I talked about you. To everyone. Mum would tell me how you looked and how oh we're doing. She never mentioned the rape or beatings though. Point is, Eveana, I'm in fucking love with you. And I'm NEVER letting you go. Now that I have you, you're mine."
He pulls me closer and smashed his lips onto mine. His warm plump lips against my cold dark ones.  Niall is my super hero and there's no doubt about it.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2016 ⏰

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