01- Polaroids

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A.N. Hi! So I've never written any fanfics before which means they probably won't be too good. Just warning you. But anyways, enjoy!


Sam and Dean were out on a hunt, which meant that Cas was all alone in the bunker. They hadn't let him come along as he wasn't quite adjusted to being human yet. Cas knew it was probably for the best, seeing as he could easily die without his grace, but he still wished he was with them. He missed their company, their random chatter, their faces as they concentrated on their research.

"I wonder what Sam and Dean do when they're not on a hunt," Cas said, thinking out loud. He wished they were here to tell him.

Then he had an idea. Sam had given him a phone so that he could ring them if he was in danger. He was sure that boredom must count as danger, considering how he felt like jumping off a cliff just for the thrill of actually doing something.

The phone was in his coat pocket, so he scooped it out and typed in Dean's number.

"Heya Cas, everything ok?" Dean asked, picking up at once.

"Not really, Dean," Cas replied.

"Why? What's happened?"

"I'm so bored," he whined, "I don't know what to do now that I'm human."

"Ok," Dean sighed, "you know that Sam gave you this phone so that you could call if you were in danger, right? Boredom doesn't count as danger."

"It does right now, Dean"

"fine, uh, hold on" Dean replied. Cas could hear Sam talking to Dean but he couldn't make out what he was saying.

After a few seconds, Dean spoke to him again, "I've gotta go, dude. Just... I don't know, explore the bunker or something whilst you wait for us to come back."

Then he hung up. Cas put the phone back in his pocket with a loud sigh. He decided to do as Dean suggested and began to wonder around the bunker.

✴ ✴ ✴ ✴ ✴

A few hours had passed and Cas was in a small storage room that he hadn't known was there. He was digging through stacks of cardboard boxes, looking at everything. The stuff he found was nothing like the things he'd come across in the rest of the bunker. It was much more interesting - more human. He found sleeping bags, coats, pillows. In one box, he came across a ton of books such as Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carrol, Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte, and The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien. These looked the most interesting so he took these three and put them in his coat pockets to read later.

Just as he was about to leave, he spotted something that looked like it had fallen out of one of the boxes. It was a lump of metal with a round, glass thing at the front and a button near to top.

He tried pressing the button. Suddenly, a bright light flashed and he let out a squeal, dropping the thing.

Cas heard footsteps running and he turned around to see Sam and Dean through the spots that danced in front of his vision. He hadn't realized that they were back.

"What's wrong, Cas?" Dean cried, holding his gun out, ready to shoot.

"T-that thing, " Cas trembled, pointing at the metal thing. He blinked a few times, to try and get his sight back to normal.

Dean bent over and scooped it up.

"A Polaroid camera?"

"Let me see, Dean," Sam said and Dean handed him the camera, keeping the piece of paper that was underneath it.

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