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Hadrian. J. potter
room 51, Floor Four
Wools Orphanage

Minerva Mcgonagal just stared, her brown eyes staring down at the letter. Her teeth immediately clenched.

" Albus" she hissed, looking immediately up at the professor of Hogwarts. She narrowed her eyes. Albus Dumbledore looked like he had seen a ghost. Come to think of it, so did Severus.

" You will both tell me why you look more horrified than shocked or angry " Ordered Minerva. Both winced, the door swung open and in stormed Quirell. He noticed how they all looked. Minerva looked shocked and angry, she was staring down at an acceptance letter. Severus looked horrified, he was trembling like someone had ordered his execution. Now Dumbledore's expression made Quirell and Riddle almost laugh. Although that was an almost. He looked like he was about to cry. Whispering.

" This is all my fault, shouldn't have left him with the muggles "

Minerva passed the letter to Quirell, what he saw written down made every fibre of him freeze. While Tom Riddle decided to seethe in the back of his mind.

" WHAT?! An Orphanage! Why the fuck is Harry Potter in an Orphanage I thought he was with his muggle relatives "

Hissed Quirell why Riddle kept whispering threats about the muggles in his mind, and to frankly honest Quirell couldn't help but agree.

" Yes Albus Do inform me why Harry Potter is in an Orphanage?"

Bellowed Minerva with fury so thick in her Scottish accent.

" I- his muggle relatives must have dropped him of there. Severus, Minerva that is not why I'm worried so. I just hope so that for the light side that history isn't repeating itself. Because if it is. Then we must be prepared for what is to come, and we must prevent it"

Swallowed Albus, he looked on the borderline of depression.

" Well who's going to deliver the letter"

Snapped Severus trying his best to sneer but certainly not having the energy for any of it.

" I will, I've been there before. As much as I hate going there, I shall go there"

Frowned Albus, but he did not look happy at returning to Wools Orphanage.
All of them of them nodded while leaving from the older man's office. Leaving the old man to think.

The dirty streets of London were cold, as the wind hit Albus Dumbledore in the face. It was like long claws, drawing it's tip across his aging face. By the time Albus had walked through the gates of the Orphanage he was finding it quite difficult. He shivered at how similar the place was. When he stepped inside it was like smashing a time Turner and being thrown back. It hadn't aged a day in his opinion, he shook his head and waited for the owner Miss. Cole. The daughter of the previous worker at Wools Orphanage.

When she led him down the corridor he noticed some similarities between her and the deceased Mrs Cole.

" I will Admit to some confusion, Professor Dumbledore. My mother she used to tell me stories about you sir?"

Questioned Miss. Cole. Albus could only manage a nod of the head, he didn't want a stuttered response.

" In all the years Hadrian has been here he hasn't had one visitor. There have been Incidents with the other" Dumbledore paled at how familiar the conversation was. He nodded for her to continue.

" With the other children. Nasty things"

Informed Miss. Cole, they kept walking up the stairs. Coming across a door. Dumbledore had a strange feeling of fear creep up his spine.

" Hadrian... You have a visitor"

Offered Miss. Cole, she was sweating from nerves. Even she it seems is afraid of Hadrian noticed Dumbledore. He stepped into the room, looking at two dead emerald eyes staring back at him they seemed cold. Just like tom.

" Hello Hadrian. How are you?" trying to act casual, shivering a little at that look.

" Don't" was a cold and demanding voice. Albus shivered.

" Are you a doctor?" Hadrian asked in a whisper. Albus frowned.

" No, I'm a professor" Told Albus, trying to get his emotions under control. Mainly his fear.

" I don't believe you" Hadrian replied harshly, his emerald eyes blazing with fury. So much hate. Albus wanted to just leave.

" She wants me looked at, they think I'm... Different" Whispered Hadrian his voice cold and with fury. Looking Albus straight in his dim eyes.

" Well... Perhaps there right" Offered Albus, he saw fury blazing in Hadrian eyes when he said that.

" I'm not MAD!!" spat Hadrian looking him in there eyes daring him to say anything.

" Hogwarts Is not a place for mad people, Hogwarts is a school. A school for magic. You can do things can't you Hadrian. Things other children can't" Offered Albus trying with all his might to stay calm.

Hadrian spoke up " I can make things move without touching them. I can make animals do what I want without training them. I can make bad things happen to those who are mean to me. I can make them hurt" drawled Hadrian like he was speaking about the weather.

" Who are you?" hissed Hadrian yet again. Dumbledore flinched at how cold his once sounded so dead.

" I'm a teacher and head master Hadrian. I'm like you. I'm different" Dumbledore prayed Hadrian wasn't the same so he had to test it. He really hoped he could save young Harry from the darkness within.

" Prove it" he hissed, his eyes full of disgust.

The cupboard set on fire, Hadriens eyes went wide with surprise and a little tinge of delight. When Albus heard the rattling, he took in a deep breath.

" Do you have something in there Hadrian. Perhaps you should get it" pointed Albus, Hadrian opened the cupboard and pulled out a tin box.

No! Albus voicein his head screamed. Hadrian placed the items on the bed, looking at Albus with hate.

" Thievery isn't allowed at hogwarts Hadrian"

With that Albus walked out the door, he didn't get far before Hadrian called him.

" I can speak to snakes too. They find me. Whisper things. Is that normal for someone like me?" Hadrian asked.

Albus didn't even reply he just walked away. He couldn't face the boy. Yes, it seems history would be repeating itself and Dumbledore was determined to bring Hadrian to the light.

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