Chapter 3

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Bella's POV:

Its 6am, time to get ready for school. Ugh! high school my worst nightmare. I have to spend the whole year of my scenior year with acne covered hormonal boys.

I got up had a shower using my favourite champneys body wash. I only put a tiny amount of makeup on because to be honest i dont need it. I put my ralph lauren play suit on and wore my jimmy choo high heels , i grabbed my bag and was out of the door. I already hunted last night so i should be fine around the humans but like my Dad told me i have apparently got good self control. When i walked out the door i noticed that my furari has arrived. Yay! i cant wait to drive this beauty.

*At forks high*

I pulled up in the parking lot recieving a lot of stares. I felt like saying to all of them to go fuck thereselfs but i didn't feel like making a bad impression on my first day. Like my father says " i should always be polite". So i just walked past all of them not making any eye contact with any of them. I enhaled and realized that their scent wasant that bad i didn't even have a slight burn.

I walked into the school fairly confident and walked up to the front desk. As i approached the erderly looking lady she gasped. I just smirked.

" well hello dear , can i help u?"

"um... yes, im the new student from Italy and i would like to get my time table"

" Ahhh yes, Isabella Volturi"

" Bella" i corrected.

" Here you go Bella, this is your time table and a sheet that you need to get your teachers to sign at every lesson".

" Okay thanks"

As i walked away i heard her voice again.

" Bella"

" Umm... yes"

"Would you like me to go through your time table with you?"

" No thanks" i have already memorized it.

She remained silent for a while and then said " okay have a good day"

" Thank you....." i looked down at her name tag " Mrs Copes."

She smiled in return.

My first lesson was U.S history. It went by pretty quickly. I knew most of it already and only had about ten guys hitting on me. I then had Math , English, geography and then it was time for lunch.

I walked into the cafetiera with everyone staring at me. The boys with lust and the girls with envy. Omg! this is going to be a long day.

I bought some food and sat on an emty table. I saw one of the boys that were hitting on me in U.S history start to walk over to me so i gave him the vampire glare as i call it and it looked like he shit his self so he went back to sit at his table.

I picked at my food but didn' t really feel like eating because i already hunted yesterday. While i was lost in my thoughts it hit me.


Five of them. A whole coven. This cant be good. The first couple to walk in was a short pixie looking girl withe spikie hair and a blond haired boy that looked like he was in pain. (probably the humans) Next to enter the cafeteiria was the most beautiful woman i have ever seen even for a vampire. She had blond hair and i face that would cause any model to be envious. And by her side was a extremly muscular man that even though he was huge i still wasant scared of him because of his child like grin that looked like a 5 year old recieving a freshly made cookie.

And then the most gorgeous man i had ever laid eyes on entered. He had bronze messy hair and the most gorgeous crooked smilenon his face. I felt like melting into my chair.

They all sat down staring at me, probably trying to figure me out.

Edward's POV:

" Why cant i read her mind" i asked.

Everyone shrugged except for Emmet who had to comment on everything.

"Ooooooooo, eddy boy finaly cant read someones mind"

" Shut up Emmet"

Alice then cut in

" She's a shield"

Well that explains.

" Why does she smell human?"

Alice was concentrating looking into the future.

" She is half vampire and her father..

" ARO"me and Alice said in unison.

She's the volturi princess. Ive heard of her but legends tell that she is kept hidden and here she is. She is so beautiful. Her maghony hair falls to her back and those brown eyes, have got to be the most beautiful eyes i had ever seen. I smiled at her and she blushed. Oh lord kill me. She is absoloutly exquisite. The bell rung and it was time for biolagy.

Bella's POV:

Me and Edward just stared at eachother. Then the bell rang. Ugh! time for biolagy.

I walked into the classroom. Everyone still staring at me. I gave the sheet for the teacher to sign and he told me to go sit by Edward Cullen. Yes! what am i saying? I have never been attracted to someone before. But Edward was different.

I walked over to my seat and Edward smiled at me. I also smiled in return.

" Hi , im Edward" he said in his beautiful voice.

" I know" he stared at me half shocked " i heard you talking to your siblings about... me"

He laughed and then lowered his voice so humans couldn't hear.

" well it was a shock seeing you here in Forks.... Princess" he then kiss my hand.

I blushed a deep crimson.

" Well thank you for you kindness sir but i think we should pay attention to class"

We both chuckled.

The class went by quickly, too quickly. Me and Edward flirted and then he did something completely unexpected, he held my hand. I felt a shock go through me and by his expression he felt it too. He was my MATE.

Hope you liked it X

Bella volturi! born as the vampire princessWhere stories live. Discover now