Chapter 4

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Bella's POV:

Were mates. I cant believe it. I now feel this pull to him and never want to let go. He smiled at me sheepishly, he was so handsome.

The bell rang and as i left Edward followed me. Wait? he doesn't have gym.

" Hey Edward as much as i love u around, i dont think you have gym."

" i just thought i could walk you too your class"

Awhhh! he's so cute.

" Well if you say so"

He grined.

We walked hand in hand to my class. Did it feel weird to be holding hands with someone you just met? No! it felt right because he was my mate.

" Bye Bella" he said

"Bye Edward"

" Hey bella, would you like to come to my house to meet my family?" he asked nervously.

"Yes i would love to" he smiled looking really pleased.

He then suprised me again by kissing my cheek. And there it was that shock, a shock of pleasure, i was in love with Edward Cullen.

I walked to my class happier than i had ever been in the last seven years of my life.

I hate gym. Even though im good at it. Its just so boring having to hold back so much. The only thing that got me through was thinking about seeing Edward after class.

Finaly the bell rang and it was time to see Edward. I sighed in relief.

* parking lot*

" Bella!" edward called

" Hey"

" Do u mind following my car to my house"

" No of course not, no problem.... wheres the rest of your family?"

" They have already left" i nodded and made my way to my car"

Sorry the chapter is short! Next chapter will be at the Cullens house

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